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Thank you gentlemen for cheeking this out.


Hey Lannie, maybe it was Hitler what said that. That would be just like the guy.

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You've managed to amass quite a cornucopia of elements which make me uneasy into one fine photo. Once again your treatment supports and ratchets up the sentiment evoked.

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Hi David. Getting to the nude photography? Heh! I like the composition especially with "Adolph", it is kinda erotic.


I reading a book; Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War, by Patrick J. Buchanan. Not everything is black and white anymore.


Cheers; Bela

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Guest Guest


Sorry, but "not everything is black and white" only if you fall prey to extremist revisionism. Since Pat Buchanan is pretty much a modern-day Nazi, his views on Hitler and the lack of necessity of World War II are, indeed, fascinating . . . and to be reviled. Not black and white only for the very few.


His basic argument is that the war was Churchill's fault, not Hitler's.


For some "enlightening" quotes by Buchanan, particularly about African Americans, Martin Luther King, Jews, and gay people, click on the link below. His book should be read in the context of his hero worship of Joe McCarthy, his overall prejudice, hatred of anything not white, straight, and Christian, and general intellectual dishonesty.




Here's something about it from Christopher Hitchins (a staunch conservative, mind you) in the National Review:


As the book develops, Buchanan begins to unmask his true colors more and more. It is one thing to make the case that Germany was ill-used, and German minorities harshly maltreated, as a consequence of the 1914 war of which Germany's grim emperor was one of the prime instigators. It's quite another thing to say that the Nazi decision to embark on a Holocaust of European Jewry was "not a cause of the war but an awful consequence of the war." Not only is Buchanan claiming that Hitler's fanatical racism did not hugely increase the likelihood of war, but he is also making the insinuation that those who wanted to resist Hitler are the ones who are equally if not indeed mainly responsible for the murder of the Jews! This absolutely will not do. He adduces several quotations from Hitler and Goebbels, starting only in 1939 and ending in 1942, screaming that any outbreak of war to counter Nazi ambitions would lead to a terrible vengeance on the Jews. He forgets—at least I hope it's only forgetfulness—that such murderous incitement began long, long before Hitler had even been a lunatic-fringe candidate in the 1920s. This "timeline" is as spurious, and as sinister, as the earlier dates, so carefully selected by Buchanan, that tried to make Prussian imperialism look like a victim rather than a bully.

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If I understood well the "pearls" of Buchanan you can frame him with Achmadinijad, they looks like two retarded twins..... They are poisonous danger if and when they come to power.
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What a rare Treat for you to find such fine art in a friend's basement. You captured the scene well for a quck shot.
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Holy cow! That you Dennis? Talk about improbable rare appearances. Well, I've always considered you a friend, but one that is a bit elusive. Thanks for the visit.


And, Shawn, to you a belated thank you as well.

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