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Trabajo contemporaneo#4


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Fine Art

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Surly this is very creative, unfortunately i was unable the decode it and understand the hidden meanings, well very original indeed, but i think it could have been more dramatic, this is a very fine photo, and the idea is new to me. Very well done and best regards.
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Meravigliosa creativita' realizzata in modo impeccabile nei minimi particolari.Bellissimi i contrasti dei bianchi con lo sfondo.

I miei più sinceri complimenti

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Somehow, this strikes me (pun intended) as image that could only originate in the land of Fellini.


The Steampunk projector--or is a camera?--or does it matter?--is enthralling. I remember seeing some similar "junk sculpture"--they were masks, of course, in a shop window in Venice and I studied them until my wife got fed up said she was going on without me... But I digress...


Someone above mentioned they couldn't decode the meaning--which would be pointless if this is true Surrealism as defined in Andre Breton's manifestos. I especially like the ambiguous touches--the matching hair, blindfold, dress and finger bandages, for instance. And those plastic trinkets, she's really smashing them, isn't she?


Anyhow, Giovanni, if there's a formal meaning here, I'd rather not know it. What fascinates me most about this image is it's universality--nearly everyone who looks closely can find a different meaning depending on their personal preferences, beliefs and perhaps even prejudices.


I, for instance, see a cautionary tale about the power of film to rewrite mythology, sometimes enlarging it, sometimes reducing it. The woman with the hammer? She's an amalgamation of European folk heroines. Snow White, of course. And Goldilocks. Sleeping Beauty. Cinderella. Who was the Celtic heroine? Oh, yes, poor Deidre of the Sorrows, undone by her own beauty. All co-opted, pummeled and, ultimately, diminished by the power of the cinema. Perhaps by Fellini. But certainly by Disney who spread their fame, but in sanitized versions that are an insult to the frightening power of the original folk tales.


So, what I am trying to say here is that I like this image. A lot.





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A simply wonderful image my friend. Mr. McNitt his upon much of what I might have said (if I were that smart anyway ☺). The mechanism is very nice as is the model's pose.
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What a compelling and interesting image! Clever and well done!

Regards, ~~~~~~~~~~Linda

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