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giallo Mascagni


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Ti ringrazio per il commento. Mi piace molto questa foto e anche il tuo modo di fotografare.

Ciao, Antonio

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Please note the following:

  • This image has been selected for discussion. It is not necessarily the "best" picture the Elves have seen this week, nor is it a contest.
  • Discussion of photo.net policy, including the choice of Photograph of the Week should not take place here, but in the Help & Questions Forum.
  • The About Photograph of the Week page tells you more about this feature of photo.net.
  • Before writing a contribution to this thread, please consider our reason for having this forum: to help people learn about photography. Visitors have browsed the gallery, found a few striking images and want to know things like why is it a good picture, why does it work? Or, indeed, why doesn't it work, or how could it be improved? Try to answer such questions with your contribution.
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From a very basic point of view, i don't see anything particularly wrong with this image. Certainly, there are some things one might do to see if this or that could be made better, but nothing is particularly off. But I do feel like this is more of a "scouting" photograph one might take to sketch out a future shot. The man (the photographer?) with what seems to be a more feminine sort of umbrella from what I can see, just has the feel of an assistant standing in as a shot is set up or to suggest a location to an art director.

The problem is that I just don't see any other purpose for the image or anything to really look at--the guy with the umbrella? Maybe it is just that this man with the umbrella is just so odd but not really all that interesting as a character, I don't feel he enriches or informs the image. I am left scratching my head but not really curious to find out an answer.

I could envision a series, without the guy, of images like this--probably because I have seen something like that--but I am just left a bit flat with this.

It seems like an interesting location and I am sure there is a photograph or two there to be had and maybe worth exploring further.

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John, I agree with most of your observations and add one more oddity: why is there an umbrella in the first place? If there were enough sun to create those shadows (which I do find very well executed) then where is the warm sunlight? The sky looks cold, sullen. And if there were warm sunlight, why the heavy coat and long pants? And if there is no sun and in fact a need for an umbrella, then why the shadows? Or am I all wet :)
Cheers ~

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It is interesting photo.
I felt the zig zag shadow and light reflection on the surface a little bit unreal. Is it because of the check box?
The above is based on my common sense, I need to observe similar conditions more careful in the future.
Other than that, I love this image for being introduced to a world of serenity under a unusual urban environment.

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There is a lot right with this image. The light helps create a surreal feeling, as does the subject matter reflecting in the rainwater, and the single person balances out the light post quite well. He looks a bit out of place, more so the umbrella being so bright maybe, but the balance is important (would have preferred someone/something else, but that's me).

I've worked this area or one like it (I do believe there are a few in Italy a bit similar, the one I recall was in Tuscany). It also looks a lot easier than it is, at least for me, as the checker pattern and beautiful railings that go for miles along the towns beaches make you want to create something from it- very alluring subject matter. Glad to see the horizon line is level, a lot of artists (yes, I call us artists) forget the ocean does not run downhill, that drives me crazy. Reminds me, it has a well balanced horizon line placement too, easy to forget what works when we get caught up with what doesn't, which is our tendency, especially for POW. Well done sir.

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I look at this photograph as a very successful abstract, which may explain the human subject's carrying a yellow umbrella and the reflections. Martino, your composition and angle are spot on, giving emphasis to the floor pattern. I really like how the street lamp and the human subject seem to blend in with the railing.

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Agreed with Michael. The photo is meticulously done. It has a very good composition. If the man was staged, so what? It works. The open umbrella is obviously for a recent rain as evidenced by the ground. Possibly still drizzling? I think it a good POW choice

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Martino has so much more interesting stuff in his portfolio that the elves could have drawn from. instead it is the usual familiar POW postcard one liner is selected.

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I like contrasting elements in a photo, and Martino has incorporated this very well. It's the geometric tiles and ornate but solid wall around the terrace that is "interrupted" with the single human, non-geometrical figure off to the side that provides the contrast and has my interest. It seems to me that the umbrella serves only to add a spot of color (and perhaps a round shape to add further geometric contrast), and it does this well. But I agree with John A. in that this seems like a very curious choice for a human figure: a man in what appear to be jeans and a coat incongruously holding a lady's umbrella. John's description of the figure looking like a stand-in for the "real" model as the shot is set up is very apt. It stops the flow of the composition and end my interest right there. The incongruity of the man with the umbrella is too much at odds with the rest of the photo, which otherwise has great compositional elements throughout. But perhaps that was Martino's intention, to take the idea of contrasting elements one step further. If so, I think he's gone beyond geometric contrast by adding the idea of oddity, which although part of the world of contrast, is a separate realm and perhaps better reserved for other compositions.

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