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The title has double meaning, hers and mine.The market square and art/craft street( connected to it) are a micro cosmos of human life and feelings, mine as a photographer ,especially included.


I prefer usually working with series, as my point of view is, that they express better a subject , surrounding , and human life and behavior. A stage narrative or street scenes, are different genre of human existence ,but for me has a connection.


This market square is a meeting point of all variety of human being, generations, and activities. It is a series that started with my previous photo



Thanks for your impressions.

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Lovely contrast in styles. Flamboyant color and simple white. I also find it interesting that they are sitting so close together. I assume it indicates a closeness of relationship. All in all, your last two posts make me want to stroll through the park with you and acquire some of that peacefulness. Take care
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You've succeeded in establishing a relationship between the two: the older one depleted, exhausted, trouble walking, more vulnerable to the hot sun; the younger one is strong, her leg leaning in closely, showing support. The vegetation mimics them.
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David, the colors here were a factor!. the old woman was seating alone, and her image with the strong colors of her clothes vs her age, and vulnerability ,touched me. I was ready to shoot and than came in the younger one and took her place in the scene, she did not talk to the older woman just observed her, so I don't know if there were relations between them, but it enhanced the touching human situation for me. it was in a very animated street, but I wanted to single them from the rest.


It would have been a pleasure to do it together with you!


Donna, interesting point about the vegetation that mimic them!, I don't know about relations though, but as I wrote, a very touching moment.



Ahmet, thanks as well.


Jorg, I think you were right about the L side I have cropped a tiny bit. ( will show later probably..) Thanks for your advice.

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Pnina, this image has so many facets. Contrast of old age with youth, violet with white, disinterest with curiosity, which make this image appealing and interesting. You are a painter & an artist. Now you have become an author of short-stories with your keen power of observation and camera.
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Amal, thanks for your permanent support . The subjects I choose to work with are in a full correlation with my personal history,human life, and my inner truth,Thanks for connecting to it.



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well done ..I find myself curious as to what they are talking about that would force older woman to take out her glasses ....Thought provoking Image ....
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Thanks to all of you.


Jeffrey, they did not talk to each other, she just observed her....



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Pnina, I love the disconnect of the elderly woman with the object in her hand - as if lost in her thoughts - compared to the keen interest shown by the younger woman. It creates great mystery. Very well composed, Pnina.
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I always find tht market squares/bazzars are the most interesting place to capture people & street scenes in their most natural state. The lady in white here is the leading line to the old lady as my eyes follow her downbend head to rest on the old lady's hand.
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A lot of concern and care was used in taking this photo. I love how closely they sit, sharing each other's experience. A seemingly simple photo that is more and more psychologically complex as I look at it.
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Everything pivots on the expression in this photo. Despite the physical closeness between the two women, the young girl is not looking on with any sense of empathy. In fact I get the impression she may as well be studying an insect under a magnifying glass. Herein lies the wisdom of your title. The young girl truly is observing.


The combination of the look of exhaustion and near exasperation on the elderly woman's face and the mix of morbid curiosity and disdain in the young woman's glance tell a frightening tale.


The casual sunglasses pushed up onto the forehead, are in stark contrast to the meticulous process of placing the glasses into a case when not in use, as employed by the older woman. This also speaks of the issue of different generations.


The folds of the crimps in the fabric of the girls dress mimic the pattern in the woven texture of her purse in an interesting way.


I may have cropped this a bit tighter on the top to loose some of the blown out bush and the guys back reflected in the window on the right hand side.


As regards Ton's assertion, I understand his point but do not agree. To me photography is about exclusion. We decide what part of the world in front of us, is not worthy of being within our frame. From that perspective the stage is no different than any other scene before our eyes. The stage not unlike the world in general, is a big place. In a stage production the lighting director decides how the light will fall. At five A:M in the northern hemisphere, the sunrise decides how the light will fall. In either case the PHOTOGRAPHER decides how to work with what is present. Like any other scene we decide what to omit and how to interpret what remains.

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Kelvin, despite the closeness of seating it was not a close relation....


Paula, I felt as well the strong generation difference


Cherlyn, you are right about the market place, I do a series of that place


Jeff " A lost of concern and care was used in taking this photo" ? I did not understand what you meant in the sentence? Explanation?


Bob, thanks!


Gord, great to see and read your interesting impression and your observant eye,.

As I wrote, I did not feel a closeness between them, and as you have felt it too, I know that it can be prominent to an observant eye.

The difference of their expression, colors of clothes, the closeness of seating, but not a closeness of attitude caught my attention as well.

I will try your suggestion of cropping,but as it is a market / art street I think it adds to the surrounding.


Interesting point of view about how you see photography, Ton is entitled to his point of view of course, but you have very eloquently explained my point of view, much better than I did it ...;-)) Thanks Gord!


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I type faster than I think sometimes. I meant a LOT of concern and care, not LOST. I can see why you got lost from my comment.
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Pnina, an excellent complement to your last image, this one portraying both generational divide and closeness. What I'm getting are the differences and the similarities between the two - similar in pose and expression, and a hint of a genetic relationship (possibly just implied). I also like the supporting background..
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When I make reference to cropping it is not that I am feel there is a need for you to crop. I tend to critique by dashing off the thoughts as they surface.

In this case I had just been thinking about photography as an act of exclusion and realized that I may have wanted to excluded a bit of the top. As much as I love you street photos where you employ window reflections, in this photo the bench and the beautiful cobbled road, are enough for me to feel this as a street scene.


On the other hand, the hustle of every day life in the background does make for an interesting juxtaposition with the apparently much needed rest and respite to be found on the small oasis, which this bench offers. The longer I look at this photo the more I see the wisdom of your choice.


You have caught a fleeting expression here which, to my view, contains a wealth of commentary on the human situation. Such moments are part of what elevates good street photography.

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So I shall observe, admitting that it's often a great loss when we fail to do so. I hope that I "See".


Millions of photos pass before our eyes. On PN, it is often from photographers that are friends and interesting artists whom put much into the images displayed here, as with yours - so I observe: (To my benefit)


The close proximity of the seating make me believe, "Kinship" - Perhaps grandaughter. (Difference in age, similar characteristics, e.g. - inner ear, toes, facial features, wrists, and a like taste in apparel.)


A useful bench here and since the elderly woman using the center of it, quite possibly would only allow a relative such closeness. (The cane could easily wield off any old man that sought to rest on that bench as well.)


(SIMILARITIES) Jewelry, sandals, purses, sunglasses, race, location, maybe religion, and possibly the old woman took the young girl's hat and the expression of the girl is one of resignation to not asking for its return. After all, it matches the young girls outfit... and then again, hummm, the grandmother wears it so well.


(CONTRASTS) Married, Unmarried - Young and Old - Mobile and Immobile - Bracelet, Necklace - Indifference and Interest - firmly seated and ready to leave...


I would say both of their minds hold specific thoughts. I do wonder what they are...


They have a home, quite possibly the same address. Neither seems concerned with the time; although, the young girl has places to be and is ready to go more than the old woman, who seems to have learned to pace herself.


Their securely carried purses seem to indicate valuables. I also think a cup of coffee is in order for them as they seem a bit tired.


The clean streets, the clean windows, the green plants, the warm weather, the shade and bright sun, the already busy street, all paint a picture of a pleasant town to be in or visit.


Their appearance suggest they have had good lives and have avoided poverty.


These two are at their best in some other place. This place hasn't enough to provide smiles. Happiness is elsewhere, maybe in the years past for the old woman and maybe at the young girl's destination. I hope they will both soon find smiles as the day continues.


I almost think they may travel to the same place but the young girl's pace creates too much impatience to wait for the older womans arrival. With a quick confirmation that the "grandmother" is doing fine, she will dash on to her destination and expect the old woman's later arrival.


Thanks Pnina, there is always much to observe in your photos and great stories hidden in them. I'm glad you help me, help us to pause and see the things that life offers us. I'm sure I've only scratched the surface in this image.



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I simply cannot believe that there is no relationship between the two given their very close proximity. But what do I know anymore; my world is passing away along with all the values and mores that I took for granted. I am constantly surprised by the behavior I see around me today. I must be getting old.
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