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This gives rise to the impression those beans are being converted to some bizarre amoebic primordial ooze from the bottom up. I am much to PS naive to understand the alchemy involved in turning beans into mercury, but I do not let my ignorance dampen my enthusiasm for this arresting and original abstract.
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They are rather disgusting aren't they? Perhaps this is what my grandson sees when there are green beans on his plate. I'm glad you think it an okay image, as I know you are not much of one to like PS tomfoolery.
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I don't know what you did here... simply beans.... but the pano form and the texture is so nice, looks like 2-3 layers, as well as the monochromatic color, simply a nice abstract, done from beans.


Looks even tasty....;-))

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There's a show running currently at the San Diego Museum of Photographic Art in which a photographer had an image done of his intestinal flora. With this photo of yours, I'd say you're ready for the big time!
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Hi David. I was staring long time, and wonder, what is this green things, between the green beans, the same color as the beans, I couldn't figure out. It has a very interesting texture, a good image, a very good image indeed.


Cheers; Bela

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You and I have much in common, but I'm going the other way on the "tasty" appearance here. I thought they looked downright disgusting. I've just spent the last twenty four hours fighting a nasty viral infection that has wreaked havoc with my intestinal system, and for awhile, I could not even tolerate viewing this image. But, I thank you for the visit.
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With that comment I am left wondering exactly what you mean. I'm pretty delusional right now, so I'll take it as a compliment. After the night I just had, I can tell you that I am personally acquainted with most of my intestinal flora as I observed them spewing forth while I hugged the porcelain princess. Oh such a lovely night.
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The only thing I can tell you is that all there was to start with was green beans. The way those bloated areas that look like they are bubbling up from below look is just dumb luck. Thanks for stopping by.
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I hope you feel better! I like the composition, tasts are very personal, and I like vegetables( greens), beens included....;-))
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It was meant as a compliment and a dig at the same time. That bubbling effect is just really impressive. Was this your pre-porcelain bowl meal?
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I have now manage to eat! A cup of yogurt. Yeah! I'm feeling way better. Thanks for your kind thoughts.
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Nah, it was the much healthier cheeseburger. Every time I closed my eyes, over the last 24 hours, I could see that damn cheeseburger, and start to wretch.
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Hi David. . . . . " cheeseburger." ?!?!?!. . . . David! . . . . . I had two friend, whom one time own a restaurant, and couple of years ago, I had seen a TV documentary, secretly taped in several MD restaurant, behind the counter and beck in the preparation area. I don't going to detail, as I was watching the show, almost trough-up. Details, so disgusting, so dirty, so inhuman, so unsanitary, I afraid to repeat them here. From that time, I don't even buying ready minced meat in the butcher section in the food stores, rather I buy clear meet, and grinding, mincing by myself at home if I like to have some kind of meal, need a minced meat. To day, you shouldn't trust anybody from the p...t, . . . . to the news paper (lie paper) delivery guy. Specially food. Take care of yourself, and make your own cheeseburger, from a fresh minced meet.


Cheers; Bela

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David... an unusual rendition of the earthly subject.

Actually I find it itriguing and strange..

Cheers :)

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Guest Guest


I just saw a documentary last night about Steven Kurtz and his arrest by the FBI due to his activities with the Critical Arts Ensemble, a group who was uncovering the ubiquity of genetic engineering of food and presenting their findings in a creative way in museums. He's a professor at S.U.N.Y. Buffalo and the case against him was just thrown out earlier this year.


The reason I mention it is that Monsanto is one of his nemeses (I wouldn't be surprised if they pressured the FBI in the case) and one of their logos, very prominently displayed and manipulated a bit in the film, looked just l like your photo, perhaps a little more bright green! As soon as it flashed on the screen, I thought of your photo. It's interesting that you seem to be commenting on the taste and appeal of vegetables, yet put in this context it actually serves quite the social purpose, which so many of your images do. I had already determined, before seeing this kind of image used as a logo, that although somewhat different, this image goes so well with your photos of Americana. Now it works even better, not only commenting on how vegetables can come across but on how vegetables are being corporatized and our food chain is being forever changed.

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I'd be lying if I said I had any other purpose but to play around in PS when I did this. I'd be glad for it to have some redeeming social value, so, if you can attach some to it for me, I'd be grateful. Along those lines, from what I've been gathering, Monsanto is a very nefarious corporation. Their profits seem to far outweigh any sense of responsibility for the condition of the earth and its bounty. But, when it comes to money, that wouldn't not be unique. Hey, if they came to me and asked me to make it appetizing for a tidy sum, I'd be PS ing the crap our of it to get that wholesome look. :)
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Well, the truth be known, I suppose if we knew about all the bad things we ingested in our quest for survival we would be pretty appalled. That's what modern science has done for us. Sometimes it is just better to remain ignorant. Not always best for survival perhaps, but just for peace of mind. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
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I bet that was your gut complaining about the lack of V8. Well, I bet that Klingons would rejoice upon seeing this photo. It could also be dehydrated snails marinated in mustard. As an abstract photo it looks good. Actually, I like green beans. Cheers, Micheal
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Green bean casserole. The bane of church socials. Although I truly like green beans, I still have to work through the trauma of those soggy-onion encrusted piles of green gelatinous goo served up by ladies with Jiffy-pop hair-do's. I'm shuddering as I talk.



An unappetizing, but visually interesting capture.

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