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© 2001 Troy Parish

Pooter With my Yashicamat124g


Hand-Processed, scanned on a Crosfield drum by ScanmanRandy, Optimized and bordered in photoshop 6.0 on a beige 266 G3.


© 2001 Troy Parish

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I love this in black & white, and she is so serious. She seems to be waiting for just that right moment to take the photograph.
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This is a great shot. :O) I would like to see a more simple tripod perhaps. maybe just a simple ball head.. the complex tripod and head seem to take over just a little.. nice tho I like this idea.
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True enough - for most of us our first MF camera was a TLR. Lovely photo. I haven't seen anything quite like it. Suites the black and white very well. The only comment I might make and this is just my preference is to leave a bit more room around her. I usally give kids a looser crop to help communicate their "littleness".
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Thanks to all for your kind words and suggestions. Esp. to Kevin for your kid cropping tip. That makes a lot of sense; i'll keep it in mind for the future.
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Love the shot, love the B&W, lighting is great only conflict I see is between the modern tripod and the vintage look of the scene in general.


Hank Ferguson

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I too would like to see more space around pooter, But...then I might like it better just the way you've got it! This photo took me from pooters' eye, right around in a circle to the thumb, and told me a whole story. Love this shot!


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I´d like to see the photo she took :^)


She looks so serious about it, maybe you should give her that outfit... I really like the mood on this picture, she is so serious, and yet so natural!!


Did you pose her, or did she became interested in the camera and then you prepared the shot?

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A great photo of a young photographer at work. Posed or not - it is very well captured. She i s so full of concentration.
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