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Self Portrait at the Bus Stop

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I was always curios to see a self portrait from you, and here i could finaly see a bit of you. this collection from Rome is interesting for me. keep on
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Bellissima. Un gran inquadro e composizione. Uno scatto degno di Vittorio De Sica.


Mi piace moltissimo.


Complimenti, Marco.

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Ohh my . . . ! It is very good.! Waiting for the bus or a street car. A real moment from every day life, very well presented. A beautiful b/w image. Congratulation. 10/10.


Cheers; Bela

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I like the contrast of the man and his setting - respectful, well dressed, traditional man in a disrespectful, shabby, modern world. The tonal values are very well controlled here to create a great feeling that works well with the subject matter. There is a secondary theme going on as well; a vertical (let) and horizontal (right) contrast which compliments the overall feeling very well.


It took me a moment to see you in the glass by the way. Very nicely handled - very pleasing image.


- Randy

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Giuseppe, It would have been a great street photo if you took a pose as you were walking! Great composition, great looking surrounding and great B&W tones!



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Molto bella! Quello spazio sulla destra che esalta la sensazione dell'attesa...

Ottima incisivita' del BN.

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Terrific again. That whole series is fantastic. I particularly like the complexity of this great composition, and the beauty of the B&W tones that remind me of great movies from the fifties and sixties.
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thank you for your nice words and comments. Mag, tags are the mysterious, omnipresent sign juxtaposed on mortal things. Let me say that when I opened for the very first time this image on my screen a sudden thought came in my mind: this man is awaiting for the big black bus, for the long no-return journey ... Ciao e grazie, Giuseppe
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you look as if you are already wearing the mask of the Last Ball. if I may say. wonderful. wonderful. profound. whats in the bag?
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Well, let me say that I don't exactly know what's in the bag (although I can guess that it growls and moves frantically - and surely has something in common with the old man sins (did you know that immediately after we make a sin, a little, furry, gnawing red eyed animal appears in that dark bag ?) But now I'd like to shift your attention to that broken lamp and it's dark, open base. What's inside? Are there eyes? Giuseppe
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After visiting your folders tens of times, looking at your many photos and simply admiring some of them (Penitent... comes to mind) I have just decided that this is the folder I would carry with me to the metaphorical island.

This particular photo is especially valuable as it also provides a glimpse of the photographer!

I guess this was also on display at your recent exhibition.

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i love the composition.

black and white has made this image more powerful. i would have been tempted to add a slight vignette.


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