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Toronto by Night


Shot in RAW. Post processed in Adobe Bridge, ACR and Photoshop cs3. Exposure details: f/16, 4", ISO100, 28mm.

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Wednesday morning I got up super early (like 3:30!) and drove to Toronto. From where I live the drive is about two hours and change. So I after one wrong turn (doh!) and a foolish error (didn't realize that I needed to pay for the ticket with Canadian coins only) I missed the earliest ferry that would have taken me to the island where I could get some great sunrise photos. I missed some great light. But I got some nice daytime shots of the skyline and had a nice walk. I loved the fact that the Toronto Islands have a rural feel in an urban setting. If you ever get the chance to visit Toronto, spend a half a day walking the Toronto Islands!


The main reason for spending the day in Toronto was to see a photography show at the University of Toronto where Ian Cox-Leigh (a PN photog ... check out his stuff!) has several award-winning pieces being shown there.


Anyway, I returned to the Toronto Islands that evening to catch the skyline at sunset. In the evening, the ferry only runs once an hour. I would have loved to stay for about 20 minutes more, as the light was only getting better and better. But I wasn't about to sit on the dock for another hour in the pitch black all by myself. The shot you see here is the very last shot I took all day.

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I agree with the rule of thirds for this shot. I have a couple of shots that include more foreground. Unfortunately, there is a piece of driftwood right there (and moving myself/camera to the right or left to miss the driftwood would put branches in my way). I tried including the driftwood and didn't like it. But there isn't enough to crop off the top (without nipping the top of the CN Tower) to fix the placement of the horizon.


I'll need to go back to try shooting again when it's warmer out ... so that I don't mind wandering around all of the islands and looking for the best spot and staying late to get it (and better light).....

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i actually like the horizon line centered here. since there is enough movement in the water to not mirror the skyline, i think it works. another option, would be to crop some of the foreground and make this a pano.
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Well done, Lou Ann. What an adventurer you are!


I like all the water in front of the skyline. It makes me feel that I'm on the journey rather than an observer of a 2-dimensional photograph. Isn't that what a good photo is supposed to do? Engage the viewer? You have.


Excellent clarity and a wonderful color palate to boot.



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I like the big foreground of water because it gives the impression that you are quite low on the water or maybe even in the water as you are taking the photograph. As such I also like the horizon line in the middle in this case. A beautiful city that I've not yet visited.
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Thanks, everyone. I was trying to keep in mind some stuff I read recently about the light being best AT sunset and then again about 20 minutes after sunset. But I think that might not apply at every latitude ... Toronto is rather far north, and the good light on this cloudless evening was spread very evenly over about 30-40 minutes. I can't even imagine how this scene would have rocked with a couple of fluffy clouds bouncing the light around.... :-)
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Hey Lou Ann... I like it as is, in fact, the CN Tower is at the thirds point and the subject is a skyline, not a single object. All said, very very nice. I actually thought this was taken from a boat, considering the viewpoint. And thank you for the level horizon!! :-) Mike



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Nicely timed image, color and composition are very appealing well worth your efforts. Thank you for commenting on my work I appreciate your time and consideration. Regards, rek
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I think that because of the spire on the left and the block of buildings on the right, you have applied the rule of thirds here. Cut out the open water and it loses strength, drop the sky and the same thing happens. This is a long way of telling you I think this is a very good shot. I like how you have managed to get the lights from the city at the same time as the sun coming up. A dawn shot. Well done, Lou Ann.
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Lou Ann, You are getting perilously close to my turf here. :-) I live about an hour north of Toronto and so can offer no excuses for not having my own version of this scene in my portfolio. Gotta get there this year! Toronto has a beautiful skyline and you've done a nice job of capturing it here. If it were my shot I'd have 2\3 above the horizon line & only 1\3 below it. Nice to have options and you've left yourself in a good position to take advantage of all or any. Love the exposure and the contrasting reddish tones of the lower portion of the sky which silhouettes the buildings and separtes the two blue areas of sky and water. Also, your timing was perfect to capture the lights of the skyscrapers. You've hit the lighting 'sweet spot' with this one. Congrats! My new wallpaper, for inspiration, for a while at least. Best, LM.
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Len - it was SUCH a delightful day. If it had been a tad bit warmer, I could have spent the whole day wandering the islands. The ferry is only $6 Canadian. They have beaches and an amusement park. You'd love it!


Note that I also drove up to Newmarket that day and spent some time shooting their new Regional Municipal administrative building. I won't have time to post shots from there in the near future, but keep checking back. Are you near there?

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We've visited Toronto many times but never took the ferry. The skyline at night is worth the visit...Thanks for sharing, Lou Ann.
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