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felix c

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Felix, I don't know if you've got some imaging software but I used PS to correct that tilted perspective (and while at it upped the contrast a tiny bit)

I used the ruler tool for that and after that the arbitray rotation and a new cutout, but it would have been just as easy whith the crop tool

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Thanks Ton, I had never thought of that, very useful info for future improvements. High Regards. Felix
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I have seen some of your images, and many of them over exposed, ( to bad, you has been at a beautiful places.) and the horizon is slanted, some cases, very badly, like this. I assume, you haw some editing software to correct this, if you don,t seen it, in the time, when you taken the image. If you using a digital camera, try to slightly under expos the images, rather then over expos them. Easier to correct, then the over exposed images. And use a polarizing filter, and to get the sky correct, also, a ( GND ) Graduated Neutral Density filter, At list 2 or 3 step, the Cokin type, with holder. I hope, you don't going to take my comments as an insult. I try to help you.


Cheers; Bela

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Bela. No Insult. Thanks for honest comment. I am not professional by no means, enjoyed lifes travels. High Regards. Felix
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I really like the colors you captured in this photo. I do not feel it was over exposed at all. I use polarizing filters in my landscapes, but to correct water shine. There's nothing "wrong" with the sky here, and your water turned out great. I don't often shoot with ND filters. They help block out some light to allow you to use a lower shutter speed, but in a case like this I don't see where it was needed. I am also bad about horizons when I shoot, thank goodness for editing software. Love the photo, well done.
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Hey Lacey, Thanks again. This is one that I played with, in fact this one is first one where a member helpfully pointed out that I have a natural tilt to left in most all my photos. I really never noticed until then, also used angle correction to touch up. Have Fun. Felix
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