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Revisiting Hale Farm


Exposure was 2 seconds at f22. Lee 0.6 hard NDG. Gitzo 1325/Acratech ball head. Cropped. Levels adjusted in Ektaspace using Photoshop CS2.

Awarded First Place for Color Pictorial in the 2008 Erie Shores Photography Contest.

Copyright 2008 WJTatulinski, Yarmouth Lane Photography, All Rights Reserved

Very nice large Chromira Prints are available. Please visit my website at Yarmouth Lane Photography for information.

  • On Point 1

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Thanks Sean. I was getting a bit tired of Winter so I dredged this one up from last year. Regards.
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Wow Walter!! You are sandbagging bigtime to keep this in the vault. I would have been working this file the day the slide came back and posting it ASAP. The reeds in the water break up the reflection in a positive way. One might think we are listing to the left, but I think the hillside on the right gives that impression. This is a complete photo story. My only jab is maybe it could use a pinch of contrast locally on the land portion. I would'nt touch the sky. Great moment you have preserved. BTW, a 6/6 was the highest rating P.N. would allow me to give (you were gracious enough to give me a 7 recently). If I gave you a 3/3 without an explanation, that would be OK though.
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Well Mark, I simply must review my future rating policies so as to not hinder the accrual of high ratings on my noble efforts ;0) That rating must have been on your Red Wall photograph.


Seriously, though, I appreciate your visit and comment. Regarding the contrast, I would be interested in knowing on what kind of monitor you are viewing this on. At home, I have a CRT that I calibrated and profiled with my Eye1 colorimeter just prior to the workup of this image. I am fairly happy with the gamma level in the midground. At the office I have an LCD and the gamma is probably a good 0.2 point higher, not to mention a much higher luminance value; the resultant image contrast looks awful on that monitor. Well, awful may be too strong, but it is at least not as I intended it to look. For example, at home I have good definition throughout the sky, but at the office the extreme highlight in the upper right quadrant is blowing out. I may make a trial Chromira print of this and that will be the proof of the pudding, so to say.


Now, I want you to promise me to come back here in two weeks so that you may properly correct your rating to that well deserved 7/7! Regards.

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Thanks Kim, hope you are well. How is your property sale progressing? I hope all is well in that department, too.


I was discussing this photograph with a colleague today at the office. He, and others, have me almost convinced that I should apply a somewhat stronger S-curve to this. But here I am, at home, looking at this again on my monitor and I can't really bring myself to do that. I like the subtle midground contrast level. But as a test, I will aquiesce and try the suggested S-curve in the accompanying attachment. In addition, I am resubmitting the original upload with a small color correction on the steeple but with the contrast unchanged, and I cloned out an objectionable bit of weed in the foreground. Regards.

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To me, it was perfect as posted. Now if our property looked like this, we would have it sold already! :) We are currently maintaining TWO mortgages, not much fun, but the market has slowed considerably in S Texas. We LOVE the new place, though. Being 10 minutes from work is great. The only birds here are blackbirds & sandhill cranes (so far) and for animals, cows close by. Will have to get out with my camera soon.
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Well, hang in there Kim. Spring is just around the corner and the housing market should be improving. I've been through the 2-mortage wringer, so I empathize with you. Regards.
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Whoa! I missed it ... I had been checking back every few days to see if you had new "stuff". :-)


I love the perfect exposure on this and the fabulous colors. It's gorgeous!!

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Lou Ann, your comment is much appreciated! Thank you, too, Sumon Regards.
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Dave and Mark, I am especially pleased by your visits and comments since I consider both of you examples to learn from. I am also pleased with your comment Marsha, as well. Kind of all of you to stop by. Regards to all.
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