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Psychedelic Bus Tour

kirk d

Used the hue/saturation to achieve coloration and some curve layers for tone adjustments.

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Jeff, it was either that or Magic Bus by The Who. I didn't want to plagerize so I came up with Psychedelic considering the colors.



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" Electric Kool aid Acid Test " and then some !! I love that spot of light falling on the wall inside the bus. Great shot and excellent PP work.
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A vintage bus with coloring to depict a vintage era when psychedelic

colors were soothing.


Comments and critique welcome.




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This is fab.


On a direct emotional level, the colouring is most appealing. However, it is on an intellectual level where it really shines.


As the Hippy generation ages this is a wonderful metaphor for their - and the era's - decline. The colours are still there but tarnishing; the window sparkle has gone but the vehicle is not done-for yet. But, waiting all around, nature is steadily reclaiming her errant off-spring. I am just waiting for mist to rise from those waters and shroud the bus for ever.


Well done - excellent image.

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I quite like what you've done here, pushing the colors like that. It brings a little life to something that otherwise might tend to seem dreary.
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Well this is interesting Kirk! I think of time travel here .... I like what

you have done with the color and B/W effects. I also like the light hitting inside the bus. You have certainly created mood and atmosphere to this old

forgotten Bus.


Regards Andrea

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Imaginative approach. The dreariness is lifting. Much as I remember the 70s, gray giving way to color as the ingredients slowly take effect. You're either on the bus or you're off the bus. Looks like you're on.
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Thank you all for the generous comments and insightful perspectives. I enjoy and appreciate this image on other levels now after reading your impressions.




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Kirk I love this. It has mixed messages to me of the colorful past as well as some of the shattered lives that never made it through. The sharp edges of broken glass contribute greatly to the contrast with the soft trees and misty background. i love the doorway. I could look at this like reading a book, and linger over it. What an imaginative depiction of time and space... (so to speak). It's all just a dream away.... Great work, way yea!!!!! ~Mary~
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I had to view it larger in order to see the interior in good definition. A very nice photograph and it is much to my liking!
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I think it's the head of a gigantic dragonfly, some mutant species that became extinct before it could take over the earth. R.I.P.
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