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I'd like to renew my subscription, but----

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Out of the last 24 hours I've spent one and a half failing to renew

my Photo.net subscription. The links from the homepage and

from the email someone kindly sent to remind me nearly always

fails to get me to a meaningful Paypal page on my iMac running

OS9/IE- just to an empty space that tells me that I have a secure



I did once get through to a "sign in" page but of course I'd

forgotten my username/password which isn't surprising when

the only use I've ever needed to make of Paypal is to pay

Photo.net. I went all the way through their procedure and then

found it wouldn't accept the new password it had told me I'd set

up either.


I must pay for things via credit cards via my computer at least five

times a week. I have very few difficulties doing this because the

sites generally accept credit card payment online. Even an itsy

bitsy hotel can do this, so why not photo.net? Over here (UK) the

world seems to function pretty well without any need for Paypal

and their "difficult" website and unnecessary need for

passwords and usernames to make a one-off payment.


I'll pay as soon as someone can tell me how I can do so easily. I

don't know how much this must be costing this community. If

there are people about who are looking for a "justification" to use

the site without contributing , this looks like it.

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You could get a Traveler's Cheque (check) and mail it to the folks at Photo Net. Most banks offer them, the cheque is nearly loss-proof in the mail, and there is no 'fee' involved in putting the money into a bank account. A little easier than 90 minutes used to go in a circle....
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Hi David. Same thing happened to me a few months ago and I decided it would be best to just give up and send a cheque. It took pnet a month or so to get around to processing it, but everything worked out fine and my subscription was accounted for. The only thing Paypal has going for itself is that it gives near immediate results (your subscription icon shows up almost immediately), but I didn't find it as easy as most people do. Cheque worked fine.
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I can't send a cheque because I'm UK based and the cheque will

probably cost as much to cash in the US as it's worth. Even a

US$ bank account cheque is charged heavily by the receiving

bank because it isn't local/US based. I spend a bit of time in the

USA and some years ago opened a $ Bank Account in London -

but all the hotels, suppliers etc didn't want the cheques so I

canned it and now rely on credit cards.


Kelly the link I got e-mailed is the same as the one at the foot of

the homepage marked "subscribe" I think.


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Every time I try to log in to my PayPal account via link in their emails, I get warned about my browser security being too high. BUT, if I just type in "www.paypal. com" in my browser, and proceed to log in to my account, I have no problems. I think it's just a buggy site.
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Strange! I've used PayPal since its inception and have never had any trouble except when their lines were overloaded. Password and username are on a label stuck to the bottom of my keyboard just in case I forget them. For me it is the simplest way to do on-line business.
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Thanks. That must explain it. I'm planning to change my

computer in two weeks so I'll try again once I'm a Microsoft

convert. There are several web-sites I use that have difficult or

restricted availability from a Mac and though it pains me, I'm

going to go with the flow on this one.


Given the number of businesses that set up to take credit cards

though, I'm still at a loss as to why Paypal are even necessary.

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It is mostly inertia; we have everything set up for instant payment notifications from PayPal. We do have a merchant account; it is just a question of finding time to do all the set-up required to integrate with the payment gateway, etc, so that subscriptions are recognized immediately the way they are with PayPal.
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