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Sony f828 or f717? is f828 crap?


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Hi, im going to be buying a beinging level SLR digi camera, and since

i already have a sony and fimilar with sony cameras. i decided to get

the f717, but when i saw the f828. i changed my mind to f828. but

recnetly a friend of mine told me that people are saying this camera

is crap, and the f717 is much better buy.

help me out guys. thanks


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F828 Crap, well that is total crap. I have the F707 and have recently bought the F828, no comparison, F828 is a smashing bit of kit, solid & well built, brilliant lens with much better capability, great manual zoom, long battery life, option of using microdrive e.t.c. e.t.c. look through posts on here as I have explained this loads of times, feel free to see photo's I took with the F828 in my profile. Just remember the F828 is a total different feel to the F717, makes the F717 look like a girlies camera (although it is also brilliant in what it turns out), the F828 is robust, a bit bigger, but brilliant grip and looks the part if that ia what you are into.
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yeah, i was playing around with the f717 and i saw this big black thing, and it was a f828 and i was amazed at it. than started playing with it. there i felt the f717 is out.

how do you feel about the canon eos digi rebel?

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Well you know then about the size. I must say I bought the F828 without seeing it, and when it turned up I was surprised by the size, but soon got used to it, the shots it turns out with that superb lens are great. Anyway I have now bought a Nikon D70 kit after doing a few weeks research, I am now entering the DSLR for the first time. I am only an amatuer but have the nack of upgrading every couple of months, this had led me to box loads of cameras and accessories, and a near divorce :-) Anyway all good fun and an interesting hobby. The D70's are rare over here in the UK, I found one in Houston, Texas and have had it shipped to New York, I am flying over tomorrow to collect it, and will spend a week taking photo's and trying out different lenses. I know bugger all about cameras really, I have learnt from the vast knowledge on here, if they are talking nonsense after the money I have spent, and fed me into some dodgy bit of nonsense I will soon let them know :-) I hope to post some D70 pics at the end of next week, that will be the real test. My wife thinks it is odd that people on the internet can get me interested in spending money, and then do, when I never take her out :-) Perhaps I will bring her back a Sony T1, although having nearly bought one a couple of weeks ago over the phone, I am glad I decided to go to collect it in person, it was not the camera for me I'm afraid, but perhaps OK for a handbag or old bag :-). Anyway I walked out with a 6"x4" Canon dye sub printer I didn't really need :-) I Have seen tonight that B&H have the 10"x8" Kodak version, so may grab that before I head home for the collection of the divorce papers :-)
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The 828 isn't crap. Just like any camera, it has its issues, in its case some visible chromatic aberrations in the corners at the wide end. The 828 just happens not to produce the best images among 8MP digicams, but there's quite a distance between not being the best and being crap.


None of those are SLRs or have the image quality of big-sensor SLRs.

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Greetings! I would have to say that the F828 is most assuredly NOT crap! First of all, I think that all the posts about noise and CA are greatly exaggerated! I've taken several hundred images outdoors, in studio, landscape, macro, product, high-contrast, medium contrast, sun, cloudy, flash, at MANY focal lengths and aperture/shutter speed combinations, and have only seen maybe 4 images with objectionable purple fringing. The build quality is awesome, probably the best of the new breed of "prosumer" cameras. I think that those who think the F828 is "crap" have not truly used the camera, and seen firsthand the results it is capable of.

The level of sharpness and detail is quite incredible. (A far cry from crap!)

Just my 2 cents...good luck in whatever equipment you decide on!


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The 828 is NOT a SLR. If you are going to spend that much money, you would be far better served with a Canon Digital Rebel or a slightly more expensive Nikon D70.


The 828 is not even particularly compact, so it has no redeeming feature to justify its high price compared to the much more capable DSLRs, which have much better sensors (their pixels are 8 times the size of the 828's, and thus the signal to noise ratio is far higher), better and more versatile optics, better viewfinders.


If a DSLR is too expensive or too big for you, get a smaller camera like a Canon S400, it will give you similar image quality to the 828, for a much cheaper and pocketable package.

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I have a friend with an 828 which produces excellent shots and subsequent prints and I have the 717 which likewise I find an excellent camera for me - an ameture but a serious one. Neither of these cameras are crap. Neither are true SLR's which was the aim of your initial post. The 828 is a refinement of the 717 with more resolution and some other extras but comes at quite a premium in price. The ho-ha about noise at higher ISO's on the 828 is correct to a point as it is too on my 717 but not nearly bad enough to warrant passing on either model for that reason. I'm happy with my 717 and can affoerd to upgrade to 828 or higher SLR ranges but for now I'm rapt with the versatility of my camera and will not fork out any more until I find a reason to move on.

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<img src= "http://pages.sbcglobal.net/b-evans/Images%202/LookDeeper.jpg">




Look deeper. There is so much more to camera choice than resolution, optics, sensor

size, sharpness, etc., etc. To focus on one aspect and make a sweeping generalization

shows a lack of considered reasoning. It is rare that the success of a photograph is a

strong function of camera choice - unless as a photographer, you are so skilled that not

having "the best" camera will produce a photograph with less visual impact. I suspect most

of the people above fall into the category where photo success is not limited by their

camera, but rather their skill and ability.<P>


Ergonomics translates to camera usability for the particular photography you like to do.

My passion is street photography. I've been using an old sony f707 for more than two

years now. I laugh when I hear things like, the sony is crap, a toy, can't make decent

photos, shutter lag, tiny sensor, bad noise, etc. These statements are usually from people

that don't have significant photographs to show. It's easy for an armchair photographer to

search dpreview, go down the spec list and make generalizations without even producing

a photograph! For example, a dSLR will not let me shoot the way I like to shoot. That's a

case where (for me) ergonomics far outweigh other factors such as image quality. Many

times I shoot low to the ground, over my head, and true IR. A dSLR will not let me do this

with a any predictability. Sure, a dSLR will produce a better-quality image beyond a certain

printed size, but that has little to do with snagging a photograph that strongly

complements my style or with better end-result impact.<BR>




<img src= "http://pages.sbcglobal.net/b-evans/Images%202/DogWalker.jpg">


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I have had a F828 for about three months now. I am sad to report that the other cameras I have stay home, and I take the F828 everywhere with me. I shot approximately 2000 pictures with it since beginning of January, while 3 rolls went through my M6.


As for the main issue with this camera: once you get the purple fringe reducer from dpreview forum, it is not a factor anymore (my experience is that any digital camera needs this anyway), and I think the pictures this camera takes are of amazing quality.


I never used a F717 so I can't comment on which one is better than the other, but I give the highest rating to the F828. I found the build quality, in particular, to be outstanding.<div>007rgM-17341484.jpg.b716b9b239937c1c97a6581d1d9e0c3f.jpg</div>

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Well, f828 is a girlie camera and sucks in comparison with Hasselblad. If you measure camera by coolness you should try Leica forum :).


F828 has better resolution. Besides that I failed to find any big differencies - same dynamic range, close colors (I'm always doing PS). It's not crap, it's not breakthrough in comparison with f717. If you want get even cheapier you can try f707 - it has less features available, but the chip is the same as in f717.

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I�m actually just thingking of getting an 828 this week this is my first time to go to digital for old 35mm photography I haven�t actually tested the product but there are some things I consider about the camera that convinces me to get one I hope you can correct me if I�am wrong for value the 828 is by far cheeper than other cameras I was considering the canon d300


lenses that sony uses Carl Zeiss witch is used by contax and Hasselblad something that hasent been given respect to carl zeiss lenses are one of the best lenses that is available in the market it is also used by ARRI, ARRI is a motion picture cameras it was also used in lord of the rings and most if not all movies in holly wood, another thing that I consider about the lens is f2.0~2.8 aperture witch is fast, 28mm wide angle to 200mm telephoto wich means that it would cost around $400 to $500 and having this type of lenses would mean that I could be the only lens that you would need for basic to advance photography if your not considering of using 300mm and up for sports photography for the lenses alone that would justify the cost of the camera If I would get a canon 300d it would cost me around $800 to $1000 with lenses but for the same quality it would cost another $400 to $500 to get lenses that would be of the same value as the 828


8.0 Megapixel resolution would mean that it can cover a higher ditail and crapability in layouts for print ads that makes it more flexible

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<html><p>I don't think the camera is crap. It's got a wide range of aperture and shutter speeds available (I think 30 seconds is the max for shutter speeds) but I wish the aperture would close more than f 8. Here's a shot of an old ski lift near my house. If you click the photo it should take you to the original shot at the 3mp setting. It's huge and took me 10 minutes to upload via dialup. The only modifications to it were a switch from landscape to portrait.</p>

<p><center><a href="http://www.syzygyst.com/JoePhoto/skilift.jpg"><img src="http://www.syzygyst.com/JoePhoto/skilift1.jpg"> </a></p></center></html>

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  • 1 month later...
Well I can't comment that much on using the f828. I've picked it up in a store and it was fairly large. I use an f717 which is an excellent piece of equipment by the way, although I hear that it uses simulated to software arpertures and shutters. Even so don't be fooled. I've seen the pictures produced by the f828 and I can honestly say that they are truly amazing looking like dvd movies. I can also say that I've gotten the same result with the f717. So my answer is it depends on where you want your controls. The f717's controls are mostly found in it's LCD screen where as the f828's is mostly located on the housing. I've gotten use to the f717 so there's no real reason for me to supposedly upgrade to an f828. I'm sticking with my f717 it makes me quite happy and these cameras aren't getting any cheaper.<div>008P7H-18201984.jpg.51cd78689a1144bdd749918c3f820026.jpg</div>
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