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Unbelievable. For those who may remember 2 weeks ago, I posted an

entry about how I my EOS 3 was damaged by falling into the Suwannee

River - with the power on - and it had ceased to function.


I sent it to Canon and they told me the camera was not "economically

recoverable." Bummer.


I picked up the "dead" camera yesterday from Fed-Ex and brought it

home. Just for grins, I popped in some new batteries and... uh...

the camera turned ON.


Weird. I put a lens on... and it autofocused! OK, but when I fired

the shutter, it didn't fire and the "bc" symbol blinked in the LCD

screen. Except for the fact the shutter wasn't working, everything -

EVERYTHING - else worked, from E-TTL flash to ECF. As far as I'm

concerned, the camera is non-functional.


So my girlfriend came over and I showed her the dead body. I

jokingly said, "You want it?" and i tossed it on my couch. It

bounced off and fell on my floor. I laughed and said, "Oh well; not

like anything's gonna get hurt."


I proceeded to show her how the camera would turn on and autofocus,

etc., and then I said, "Unfortunately, the shutter doesn't work; it

just goes like this..." and i hit the shutter button.




"WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!" I screamed. I tried it again and it worked. I

tried different speeds and just from listening to the camera, the

fast speeds sounded fast and the slow speeds sounded slow. Popped on

the PB-E2 and the shutter fired at 7 fps.


Apparently that fall to the floor did SOMETHING... maybe the shutter

blades were stuck, who knows. I won't know for sure if it's back to

life until I shoot some slides this weekend. But until then....


CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS????? The camera took a bath - WITH THE POWER

ON, was declared dead (for all intensive purposes) by Canon... and

it's now showing life!


I'm a Canon customer for life. Now I have to figure out what to do

with this EOS 1n body I bought last week! :)

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Please be aware that the camera WILL die sometime soonish.

<BR>For now it has dried out enough for the elctronics to work again but the moisture is in there now and WILL do damage over time.There is some good news though....If you can take the covers off ,spray dewatering fluid on everything,you might possibly save the camera and bring it back to full working condition for a time.You MUST do this as soon as possible though!

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Congratulations... you were lucky! :-)

<p>Maybe you should give Canon a call and tell them: "You know, when everything else fails, try dropping the camera on the floor, it might help!"... I wonder what they'll say... :-)

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Congratulations! The resurrection of a camera - that's something new. I would just leave the camera open for a couple of days - without a lens attached to let the rest of the water dry out.

If no dirt came in during the bath that could block the mechanics - why shouldn't it work? The water alone doesn't hurt the electronic parts of a camera.



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As the camera was not dried out promptly and correctly after the immersion corrosion will have started, and as the previous poster pointed out it will die completely sooner or later, that is why Canon told you it is uneconomic to repair, as every component would need to be replaced.


A scrupulous owner would claim the insurance and get a replacement or smash the camera with a sledge hammer, an unscrupulous one would sell it on Ebay immediately.


Decide which one you are! ;-)

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Instead of taking it all apart and spraying nasty stuff, go to your neighborhood gun store, buy a large supply of silica gel (this stuff is usually in little packets for shipping), place the camera with every port/door etc open into a sealed container (rubber maid etc) with the gel (do not get the gel in the camera), should dry out in a couple of weeks.


Be thankfull that it works.



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So my girlfriend came over and I showed her the dead body. I jokingly said, "You want it?" and i tossed it on my couch. It bounced off and fell on my floor. I laughed and said, "Oh well; not like anything's gonna get hurt."


But it's the girlfriends camera now, right?

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"So my girlfriend came over and I showed her the dead body. I jokingly said, "You want it?" and i tossed it on my couch. It bounced off and fell on my floor. I laughed and said, "Oh well; not like anything's gonna get hurt."


Last time I showed my girlfriend a dead body she ran screeming out of the house before I could start tossing it around. :-)

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