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Opening Photoshop CS files via MAC OS X finder

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Double clicking on any Photoshop CS file icon in any Finder window

will launch the application but not open the file.<br>

The only way I can open any image file is from within PS CS via File >

Open, or from within the PS CS browser.<p>


This occurred from MacOS 10.3.1, and still in MacOS 10.3.2.<p>


Does anyone have this inconvenience, and if so do you know of a remedy?<p>


Thank you in advance for your help & consideration.<p>

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Interesting, as we don't have desktop rebuild in OS X. Did you install another version

of Photoshop first? If so, did you delete it or keep it? If 2 versions, are they are on

the same partition? In any event, it never hurts to run Repair Permissions for the boot

drive. I would also search www.xlr8yourmac.com to see if similar behavior is being

reported for other apps in OS X. GOOD LUCK, let us know what fixes the situation. I

suspect multiple copies of Photoshop on different partiti

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Thanks for your input.<p>

Wish we did have a <i>'desktop rebuild in OS X.'</i><p>

Strangely enough I had version 7 of Photoshop installed first, and did delete it.<br> They were both on the same boot drive/partition.<br>

I'm beginning to wonder if my PS files are still <i> 'linked'</i> to PS 7 as the launch application and where and how I can change that.<p>

BTW, I ran Repair Permissions for the boot drive more times than I can remember but to no avail with regard to this PS CS glitch.<br>

I've also run TechTool 4.. nada.<p>

Next move is to re-install PS CS and see what happens.<p>

I'll let everyone know.

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