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I want to take a dozen shots but I have only 2 film holders


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"Get more holders. Considering that sheet film is 1 dollar per shot cheaper that Ready/QuickLoad, you only need to shoot about 20 sheets to pay for a single Fidelity holder."


I take issue with Paul's math. This is only correct if all your buying is a film holder. If you factor in the cost of an adequate number of film holders (you only need 1 quickload or readyload holder), plus the cost of a good changing bag (not the $20 jobs on Ebay but one that really is light-tight), it turns out that the payback period is heckuva lot longer than 20 sheets of film. I did this math recently, and I decided to go with the readyload holder.


Another advantage of the readyload route--besides the dust issue which has already been mentioned--is bulk. If you're doing a lot of traveling, it's much easier and lighter to carry around, say, one readyload holder and a bunch of film, then 5 or 10 Fidelity film holders, plus more film, plus a changing bag (since you'll probably want to shoot more than 10-20 shots on your trip), etc.



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I usually use ready loads in the field, but also carry a couple of holders for use in wet and or very windy weather. There is a small failure rate with the ready loads, one or two sheets a box, always caused by pulling the sheath out without the film after exposure, but I have had no trouble with light leaks and am generally very pleased with the system.
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Maybe you should re-think the math. The quickload and readyloads new are from $100 to $150 each on top of the extra expense for the film. If you know where you can get new ones or even good used (not worthless) ones cheaper, please let me know, I wouldn't mind getting one for color E6 film. Anyway, seems to me you save a lot more by rolling your own.

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