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The most unsaturated color film?

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On photo.net's page about films I've learned that some films are

less saturated then others are, often reffered to as 'wedding



Now I'd like to know which one of these would be the least

satured film from all of them.


I'm only shooting B&W at the moment and would like to slowly

return into the world of colors again, but just not too much of



Also will such a films advantages (= less colors) still be visible

after cheap 1 hour drug store, or even worse, Kodak drug store



Looking forward to your suggestions.

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If you want to get subdued colors, you'll probably be disappointed by any mass-market processing place that does its printing digitally. Kodak's current Perfect Touch processing pushes saturation to the limit, and beyond! No subtlety at all. Perhaps try a 1-hour lab that uses old optical printing equipment instead... or just shoot transparencies or use a pro lab as another poster mentioned. If you are using a pro lab, let them know your intent.
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The least saturated papers are easily Agfa's.


The least saturated print films are Konica Impresa and Konica Portrait 160. Both are decent films though and have other strengths. Agfa portrait film has a bit more saturation than Konica Portrait so it doesn't win the award, but I feel the Konica film is the better product and delivers better skin tones.


The least saturated slide film is likely Kodak EPN, although Ektachrome 400 amatuer was until it's demise a strong candidate for dullness.


Kodak VPH is the worst color film in my memory in terms of color saturation.

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