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Is Nikon seriously lagging!


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<I>I dunno - call me cheap but I have no interest in paying $1,000 plus for a

camera body that will be obsolete and/or seriously sapped in terms of resale

value in less than two years. </I><P>I myself have always thought , and by

always I mean even before I started making a living by being a photographer,

that the value of a camera existed in the photos you made with it, not how

much you might be able to resell for a few years later. Goes to show how

much I know. Thank you for setting me straight Eric.

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"the "latest-greatest-itis" is nearly impossible to cure. Psychotherapy does help a little though."


So does working with "bleeding-edge" technology for 25 years. My first digital "camera" had 16 detectors and a mirror-scanner for 16x512 images on 7-track tape.


I am a little dissapointed in the Nikon S3 viewfinder. The RF patch is not as bright and well defined as the M3. The finder is subject to more flare than the M3. Overall, I enjoy using the S3, but have to admit that the M3 finder is superior. The Nikon Shutter is more reliable, but the M3 shutter is so quiet that you can only tell that it fired after seeing the developed role of film. After all of this time, I wish Nikon could have caught up in the competition for best camera viewfinder.


Sunil, if you stay with Computer graphics Research for another 10 years, you will understand this.

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Eric may have meant something else. Quite a few amateurs I believe buy new gear by trading existing "old" gear to offset some of the cost. In digital, tt sure would be difficult to do if digital equipment depreciates so quickly.


There are two dimensions to the "value" of a camera -- 1. how many keepers one has gotten from it and 2. what's the price the market is ready to pay, if I were to sell it to buy new equipment.


Sure, the older of my FM3As has given me more keepers (naturally) -- but both are somehow in similar ex- condition and I wouldn't sell the older one for less.

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Nikon is not lagging. They are just being patient and cautious. By the way, are you such a bad photographer that you need a camera that does everything for you? What could a D100 possibly not provide an advanced amateur? I have a Nikon FA (a groundbreaking camera, by the way), a Nikon N80, and a D100. I have taken many excellent pictures with all three. I have also taken many bad pictures with all three. But I never blame the camera for the bad ones, and I never praise the camera for the good ones. I praise the Nikon glass, for its tack sharpness. I praise the accuracy of the meter. But the camera does not have an artistic eye. Neither a Nikon nor a Canon can take a photograph with out the help of a photographer. So be patient, and learn to make the most of the gear that you own. Don't sell your Nikon gear. And Canon owners, don't sell your gear either. It is all very capable equipment in the right hands.



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