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Rodinal. Which 100 ISO film for it?


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I've processed virtually every B/W film in rodinal and my favorite for the Rodinal 'look' is Tri-X Professional at EI 250 and 1:50. Agfa APX is often accepted as the default film to combine with Rodinal, but with Kodak spending more R&D on B&W films than Agfa, Tri-X Professional doesn't take much of a grain penalty over APX 100, if at all.


Note that Tri-X professional and regular Tri-X behave differently in Rodinal. The Pro version doesn't seem to get as coarse with this develoepr as the standard Tri-X.

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APX100 with Rodinal is a great combo. I expose APX at 64ASA and soup at 1:50 for 12 minutes in distilled water. The negs have a luminosity unlike any other to the point they almost look like a positive image. However, negs made under bright sunny conditions at these times can be tough to print, the contrast range still too wide for my condensor enlarger to the point of being constricted to #00 - #1, Ilford filters. But the mid-tones are wonderful. Future efforts under these conditions will lead me to reduce dev time to maybe 10.5 minutes or so and see how that works. For all other conditions, 12 minutes is spot on for me at the delution ratio.
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For finest grain and acutance, TMax 100 (rated at 50 ASA, Rodinal 1:50, 20 C, 8.5 minutes. Ditto Ilford Delta 100. If fine grain is not critical then Tri-X at 160 ASA, Rodinal 1:50, 20 C, 11 minutes. APX 100 at 50, ASA Rodinal 1:50, 20 C, 12 minutes. I prefer this last in 120 format. All times for diffuser head enlarger.
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Rodinal is a great developer.- Clearly it represents a good choice for a broadly number of films.- In my experience Rodinal deals very well with Tri-x, Plus-x, Ilford FP4, TMAX 100/400 and of course the Agfa films.- However, I would be cautious using it with HP5, Ilford PAN 5O or Delta Films.- So, with Agfa 100 great results, for sure.-
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