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photo.net subscription drive


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I'd like to propose a semi-annual photo.net membership drive. I tried

to rally the forces over at the Leica Forum last weekend. By my

account it looks like 16 or so members signed up or renewed their $25

annual membership.


Seven months ago, the Leica Forum really kick-started a successful

membership campaign that raked in at least a hundred new members over

a short period.


Maybe we could start a coordinated membership drive that spans all

forums. If we did it every six months -- a la public broadcasting

membership campaign -- it would really bring in new members. If we

talked the benefits to photo.net and to users, maybe that would

encourage more people to sign up.


Just a thought.

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Although I don't visit the Leica forum very often, I can clearly remember when <a href="http://www.photo.net/shared/community-member?user_id=508282"> Sandy </a> got things moving <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=005CuU"> last time around. </a><p>Given that paying members <b>do</b> now enjoy some obvious advantages over non-patrons, I would strongly support this call for a membership drive.<br>However, it would be really great if some of the previous <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=005ECr"> arguments </a> could be avoided this time around... Just dreamin'...
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It might be good if any subscription drives coincided with added subscriber benefits. I'm sure Brian has some in the pipeline!


You have to walk a fine line between encouraging people to subscribe and annoying them to the extent that they decide positively NOT to subscribe...pointing to some new benefit might soften the blow a little!

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It just occurred to me that if you have a look at <a href="http://www.photo.net/gallery/"> the Gallery page, </a> you'll see that the membership drive is still in full swing! Also, you might like to check out<a href="http://www.photo.net/subscriber-list"> this page, </a> although I'm not sure if it is being updated on a regular basis...
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In a way I'm surprised how much is offered to non-subscribers. Another site I belong to (not photo related) only offers search benefits for sponsoring (paying members); which is the way I think it should be. For the majority of members that's probably the biggest benefit of the site.


Their is also a couple forums limited to sponsors only like a "development" forum where paying members can talk trash about the free loaders without anyone getting offended. ;-)


Then again, people might get a little testy if you take it away after they're used to having it.



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