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Nikon Macro Lenses


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"Could somebody list me all the Nikon/Nikkor MF macro/micro lenses?"


Obede, to answer this part of your question:


The Manual Focus Micronikkors were:


50mm f/3.5 (for Nikon range finder, oldest)


55mm f/3.5 (F-mount)


55mm f/4 (F-mount, special, UV-Micronikkor)


55mm f/2.8 (F-mount)


105mm f/4 (F-mount)


105mm f/2.8 (F-Mount)


105mm f/4.5 (F-mount, special, UV-Nikkor)


200mm f/4 (F-mount)


120mm Medicalnikkor (F-mount)


200mm Medicalnikkor (F-mount)


This list may not be the complete one.



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Here is a link...<br>


<a href="http://www.naturfotograf.com/lens_spec.html"




Here's the main entrance...<br>


<a href="http://www.naturfotograf.com/" target="_new"><u>http://www.naturfotograf.com/</u></a>



Here is another...<br>


<a href="http://www.photosynthesis.co.nz/nikon/serialno.html"






Dave Hartman.

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Up to now I only have this one, but you can see in photosig.com:-http://www.photosig.com/go/photos/browsecategories?typeId=7.

You will find all lenses you can imagine , so look your self and decide which one is better for you.


For me I'm very very happy with my dear 70-180mm.


Best regards



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