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Source for ground glass for Agfa/Ansco 8x10" camera


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Can anyone suggest a source for a new ground glass for an Ansco/Agfa

8x10" camera? Because of the design of this camera's back, the

corners of the ground glass are cut off. A picture of the camera is

attached (or at least should be if I do it right). Of course, I

could cut them off a rectangular glass and, for that matter, I could

grind the glass myself in a pinch. Now that I think about it, does

anyone know what grinding medium should be used when grinding a

ground glass?


Thanks in advance.

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Funny, I just replied to same question on the Graflex forum today :-)


Anyway, it's not that difficult to make your own - although probably not the same quality as the original.


Use a thicker and larger piece of glass as the base, place it on a sturdy table, and put some valve grinding compound with a few drops of water on the surface. The compound would be available in auto shops, I guess...


Anyway, put your future ground glas on top of that, and rub hard in a circular motion. Check frequently for even grinding (just pour some water on it to wash away the dirt).

You could also use grade 600 sandpaper - grade 600 is often recommended for this purpose.


The end result that I got this way was definitely usable, but not fine enough for critical use. See for yourself, it might be acceptable.



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The Agfa backs are a little strange because the ledge upon which the glass rests "bends up" in the corners necessitating clipped corners. It's easy enough to make your own ground glass as mentioned already. One of the photo magazines (I don't recall which) had a good article within the last year on making a ground glass. Another material you can use is P95 Plexiglas from Tap Plastic. 1/8" is good, but make sure you get the kind which is ground on one side. It can be cut pretty easily or even scored and snapped. It's cheap, it works well and it's virtually unbreakable.


Another option is the Tachihara ground glass/fresnel. It has clipped corners and it's very nice to use. Midwest Photo sells them. I have one on my Masterview and really like it. The grid overlay provides protection for the relatively soft fresnel material, so it's better to go ahead and get it rather than try to pinch pennies. Alternatively, 1/16" Lexan from Tap would probably serve well as a cover piece.

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The corners aren't clipped just to suit the camera back, they are clipped for a very practical reason. You use those little 'windows' to check lens coverage when you shift/tilt/swing.


If you can look through the little corner opening and see the entire circle of the aperture (stopped down to shooting f/stop) you have coverage in that corner. Check all four corners and you know if you are covered.


I am sure you know that lots of cameras allow much more movement than the lenses permit.

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Try these people. Custom sizes, with or without grid and cut corners. Good prices. I dont see why anyone would attempt to make it yourself considering this guy offers custom sizes / grids / cut corners no extra cost and is very reasonable priced, i.e. "Cheap"!


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