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B&W Strobe shoot tommorrow...Important film question!

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Hello, I was unable to turn up anything in the archives, so i thought I'd try here. I am

shooting my first Black and White studio session tommorrow, and have to admit that I

am not sure what film to go with. I have done extensive work with black and white

outdoors, as well as color in the studio, but I can't say I've shot any B&W with strobes.

However, I have shot Fuji Acros in 35 mm for a wedding (top mounted flash), which I

loved, and I shoot

Ilford Delta 100 outdoors for the most part. The shoot tommorrow is for

headshots...it's not a creative shoot so there is little or no "creative latitude". I will be

shooting her on a white backdrop...she has medium-brown hair and a light



I will be shooting 120 (preferably 100 speed) through an RZ67, with 2 Profoto

Compacts (600 w/s w/softboxes) as well as a 1200 w/sec Profoto pack with two

heads for back lighting. Hope this is enough info, thanks so much!

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To emphasize acutance / sharpness, I would go with Delta 100. To emphasize tonality, I would opt for FP4+. Tri-X is never a bad choice for portraits either, keeping in mind a slight grain increase (which I tend to prefer in many contexts anyway). There are numerous threads on B&W portrait films in the archives - try a search like "best B&W portrait film".




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