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Just got published for the first time.


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Terrific! Textbooks are one of those things that actually make money, so they are not to be sneezed at by any stretch. I always use photographs while teaching writing - old cabinet cards from the early part of the century. Very effective. A picture is worth 1,000 words. My students just have to figure out which words to use. Should have written a textbook I guess.
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Congratulations! Each time I've had something published I still get perplexed because I don't ever think anything I shoot is good enough and because everything I've had published was submitted by someone other than me and it was a surprise seeing it in print.
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<i> Wonder how that will all work with the digital age </i><p>


Yes, and it's a damned shame that people used transparency film, because it meant they

too could throw away individual slides. <p>


It's funny when people blame a tool for the owners' mistakes.

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Congrats, Marke.


Jim, That's a cool shot. It almost looks as if it could have been a reflection in the studio glass rather than a double exposure.


'Z', you need to learn this from Jay: If you're going to use this forum as a pulpit to preach to us ignorant sinners, it helps to be <i>funny</i> once in a while. Otherwise, you come across as a droning bore.

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well, I know I've had some slides that needed to be thrown away,

actually torn and thrown away : ) but, on a move from Las Vegas

to L.A. in 1967, I lost half of my black and white negs from all the

years on the road as an entertainer and I still get a sick feeling in

my stomach when I see some of the old proof sheets and no


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<i> If you're going to use this forum as a pulpit to preach to us ignorant sinners, it helps

to be funny once in a while. </i><p>


You mean you need to be coaxed into having facts squirm their way into your brain, Kev?

That's your problem.

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Good for you, Mark! Even after you get more stuff published it is still a thrill to see yourself in print.


Understand Jay's feelings. Publication goes both ways. First the euphoria and then--did I really say that? Or: The color is wrong on this photo, it's to small, it should've been cropped...


Just have to keep publishing.

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>>"Wonder how that will all work with the digital age?"<<


answer....not as well. just saw a piece on ABC news where the photo editor of TIME was interviewed. she said it was a problem. she cited the example of the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal. when the story broke she wanted a picture of the two of them together to put on the cover but none of the professional photogs shooting digital had saved the pictures. why would they? when they had taken the pictures and looked at them on their computers, nobody knew who monica lewinsky was so nobody saved the files. what happened? a film photographer went through his contact sheets and found the shot of monica hugging bill. then we all saw it on the cover of TIME.

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jay -- you mention here that every time you get something published it has been the result of someone submitting the photo on your behalf. this seems at odds with your recent claim in another thread that you have sold a large number of photos through stock agencies. could you clear up this apparent discrepancy??
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by the way, the recent most lucrative use of my photos has come

through my website... obviously the search engines work better

than the stock agencies I used to be with, Corbis etc. who have

sent a packet full of slides back to me. I plan to put a database

on the website with the names of the people I have photoraphed

etc. and then they can contact me directly, no 50% deduct etc.

and i know just how good the scan is that I am sending them.

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>Please people, step out of the mud for just one minute and leave this thread for Marke. Accomplishments should be celebrated among friends, or at the very least, in the spirit of friendship.<


Hear Hear!!!!!


Congratulations Mark. Go buy a bottle of Calvados, a good Cuban cigar, and have a little party. You've earned it.


BTW, can you post the pics? We'd love to see them.

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