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Upload problem, claims they are PS 7.0


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Does PS 7.0 have a save for web option like elements? I use PS CS and use image ready in PS CS to save my photos in jpeg format for photo.net. When I started using PS CS, I saved as jpeg and tried to upload and recieved the same message. Used image ready and saved, everything was good. Probably not the technical answer you were looking for, but it works. AJM
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Yes, PS 7 dose use save for web, problem is that dosn't work either! Everytime I try to do it it says "failed due to assertion" or some crap like that. I tried resetting the prefs and that didn't fix it and Adobe support is worthless (not to mention EXPENSIVE).


The thing is these pictures I'm trying to upload have NEVER been opened in Photoshop and it still says they can't be uploaded as they are marked with PS 7.0. I don't get it and I'm aggravated. I'm about to uninstall PS and all other Adobe crap.

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This has nothing to do with photoshop but an error message you get on photo.net. Photo.net checks for some XML data and probably an embedded thumbnail on a photo and if the said information is present, it throws you an error message like that.


If your photos aren't opened in photoshop, then what you open them with? This information would probably be worth as other people could try to resolve the problem with the upload.


Maybe there is also some setting in your Canon 1D that causes this problem...

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These particular shots were only opened with windows explorer and that can't add any PS 7 info to them. As for the camera, it is set for the Adobe 1998 so that isn't the problem.

I have tried it with the laptop as well, it dosn't have any adobe products installed at all and it is doing the same thing. I am now thinking that the problem may be what caused the Photonet crash, that somehow the system got hung and thought all pictures were ps 7 and crashed... anything is possible I guess.

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