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Bye, bye, baby goodbye.

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Is it always like this? I am new and of the female gender. I guess emotional decisions are made by males also. I must have missed the causal fireworks. "Change...is just the way things are."


My short experience here has been positive and I have learned a few things about the world of the goddess Leica and her devotees for which I am thankful for the patience of the more experienced.

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A few months ago, I stopped contributing to this forum due to a poor tolerance for

taking crap from inferior people (the coward who hides behind Phil Kneen, others

who would not dare to behave face to face the way they behave here). However, as a

visitor I have continued to enjoy the forum. There are (were) some very talented (and

nice and generous) individuals here. Marc was a great contributor to this forum.

Entropy is a fascinating concept; think of the weeds in your garden and the jerks in

this forum.

Salvador M. Ortega MD

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Wow. Your anger is certainly displaced. My qoutes, taken out of context, pasted together by you, were not an invitation to you to leave; the first was a simple query to you, the second a (valid) observation unconnected to you personally. Sorry you took it all so wrong, but then again I guess that just goes to further prove whatever point I might have been trying to make.


I wish you luck and hope you come back again when the fever subsides. I'll grant you the presumption that youre a fine guy with benign motives, unlike your uncharitable presumptions about me.



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Marc's leaving really lessons this place. Its too bad one of the really good, knowledgeble photographers feels they are wasting time on this rapidly diminishing forum.


As Charlotte Corday exclaims in "The Death and Persecution of Marat,etc.." "What kind of City is this?!"

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I find it very very very odd that one has to leave a forum because of what someone else said or because of the attitudes of a group of individuals that is not what the person (who is leaving ) would like to see.


As much as I treasure NetFriendships and treat them like they are what its supposed to be in real life, these 2 things sometimes just don't run parallel.

Give and take a little, guys. How can you actually hate a person or a group of people over the net?! Unless you have met them and they screw you up online again and again..but how many of us have met one another?


I certainly am not expecting everyone to behave like kids in a strict classrooms, nor I wish everyone to attack everyone when the chance presents itself and especially not when you are laying behind the comfort of your monitor. There are nasty people on the net. But how do we define nastiness? How do we cope? When you can't, you walk off? Do you know there are lots of nice people also here? Do you abandon them?


If you walk around with an axe to grind or a chip on your shoulder(e.g because you are a semi pro or some PJ or some artists that is famous or one making lots of money because of photography ...) and always carry the thinking :" hey Im behind the screen, no one know me, im safe to screw anyone up..."etc then who are you kidding?


Yep, you are kidding yourself. You are the joke so to speak. Why treat yourself that way? If you also act like that in real life with real people, I have nothing to say. But I never will know, will I? Do you know why you act like that? are you the real person on and offline? why the different behaviour? Why can't you be the same guy when you log on, and when you log off? At least be consistent. If you

are a jerk online, please be a jerk offline as well..don't put on a mask. Some people do like jerks you know? I have a few jerky friends. At least they are true to themselves...and to me. Why would I go out with a person who puts a mask on?



I can easily count 20+ people here I'd go out with for beer if we'd met up . Can you?( if you are not who you are on and offline?) So right, you can say anything and you get the joy when you get the attention because that's as far as you are gonna go, ONLINE SATISFACTION.




Marc, come back anytime. If you have something worthwhile to contribute and others are eager to hear, there's no reason not to share. I believe you were the one who told me before that I should not care so much about "words on the internet" and that one should only see what the person can offer, be it knowledge, photos , humour or other times, kindness. I have been following your advice, and I hope to tell you the same.

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Travis I have to agree with you in large part. But sometimes it becomes an issue of "noise vs. signal" to put it in audio terms. I personally still like looking at the photoraphs and some of the information, (including yours), and I don't mind banter and that sort of carry on, but I can see how one could get frustrated at having to wade through all the flak, especially lately. I mean, I'm pretty new to this forum, and its been pretty hostile lately, no? Sometimes people will just say to themselves that life is too short, who needs this. I for one, hope Marc will see it your way and just ignore what doesn't interest him, and participate in what does, like most of us do.
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This is sad news.

I've been here for almost 2 years now, not knowledgeable enough yet to talk a lot but reading most of the posts, at least having a glance at the new postings almost every day. I don't consider myself an important contributor to the forum, far from that, not a good photographer yet either (but I do try and the forum helps) but I feel ok here. I like(d) the place.



This forum was about learning, sharing ideas, advice, making friends, let's try to keep it that way !



I don't understand what's happening. Sure the spirit changed here in the past weeks, and it is a pity.

Marc, Jay, Dennis, ... that is really bad news for the forum



Al wrote it best :

" In addition to the W/NW posts, the photo criticisms, the discussions of technique and equipment, we have an obligation to pass on what we know to the new Leica photographers, the next generation, and much of what we take for granted can't easily be found in books. Please stay."


I couldn't say it better, that's how I feel that forum so I stop here



I just hope all those who leave are leaving temporarily and that we'll find the spirit back.




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The same old tossers, most of whom don't even own or use Leica equipment: most of whom can't or, at least, don't take decent photographs have systematically recked this forum. Well done guys- very clever and talented of you.

Marc's a talented and generous photographer who genuinely wants to help people. (that should make him easy prey, huh?...)I don't blame him for getting sick of the abuse, but I think it's a bit of a shame he's been driven out by the Rock Steady Envy Crew.

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I don't understand what happened, either.


I joined this forum in part because of your postings. They have been the only ones I have unfailingly read. In your experience and articulacy you are on a different floor from most here. Personally, though, I am in greater awe of your diverse artistic skills, which you have demonstrated on many occasions.


A mere mortal like me cannot aspire to contribute on the same level, or to strike up a friendship with such a hero. I'm not abasing myself, but I'm in the position of a mountain biker at the Tour de France. I guess the same goes for many here.


If you really ARE going somewhere else, and wouldn't mind sharing, please let me know where, by email.


All the best.

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There are people who's posts I enjoy and those people who I consider to be a friend or even a mentor. Marc is one of those. Ralph B. is another one, who also stopped posting.


As far as I am concerned, I might as well stop coming here now...


Marc, keep in touch!

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Peter Piper , mar 04, 2004; 11:08 p.m.

"I won't be too sorry when all those that are going have gone, and we don't have to suffer any more tearful parting messages.


If they don't stop soon, I'll have to buy another box of Kleenex"


Its no wonder people are leaving in droves. Marc, Peter here supposedly joined just today to make a comment in your thread, (I wonder who he really is?) but it certainly highlights exactly why you and others are leaving. Feel proud someone has gone to all that trouble to create a new identity. This forum really is in freefall isnt it.

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If this forum means anything to anyone of you, we should all work towards more "signal" and less "noise". Leaving the forum will not increase the "s:n" ratio . To increase this ratio, provide more "signals". You do that by shutting out the noises and sharing what you have, photographically and personally. No one can fault you.


Remember, whenever you make a sacastic remark or a personal attack on someone, you are contributing to the "noise". You may have the right to do it under the present PN rules, but ask yourself, how does that help you, besides seeing your comments on the screen? Are you here to destroy or are you here to benefit from the more knowledgeable?

Try doing that face to face in the street and you'll at least gain my respect, but over the net? Common, any kid can do that.



SO, for anyone else thingking of leaving, STAY and give us more signals...most of us need that, me included. LEAVE when you think we're not worth your time anymore.



If a person like me who has ZERO technical knowledge and know zil about photographic history etc is willing to hang around, no one ,

and I mean NO ONE, should abandon this place.


Over to you chief.

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