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Balcar Zebra Umbrellas

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Lucy R. introduced me to photo.net in a computer center recently. She is an experienced

photographer who has location experience. I am very, very impressed with her! She is

the one who showed me how to input and to become involved on photo.net only a short

time ago! God bless her, but now i wonder!


But she warned me that there would be persons who would spend their time spinning their

wheels gossiping. Then Garry popped up. When I read Garry E.'s from the U.K.'s message

that he likes to talk about people he admits to not knowing or meeting, I realized that the

internet and photo.net could be filled with persons that have a malicious manner, a

malicious intent, and he, so far, seems to have nothing to say about Zebra Umbrellas in

addition! Perhaps their photography phone isn't ringing and this is all they have:

malicious gossip to fill their void! Garry is creating "straw men" and then attacking them!

This is not healthy behavior! Pass the voo doo doll to Garry!


I told about 4 other people about photo.net while sitting at the computer center, a great

place that has about 90 computers all hooked-up to the internet, all for free usage! I

would hate to think that I have caused these other people harm by this referral. Now I am

thinking the internet is not so safe, not even a photo site! Is Garry going to invade their

privacy and life?


I would advise anyone to not use their own real name on this or any other site. Make up a

"handle" to protect yourself. The potential for trouble is high from people whom have low

self esteem and whom would make it a personal project to make enemies rather than have



Why would you want to spend your time making enemies rather than friends? ---Well,

because your feelings are hurt from something in the past and you just have to get even

with all these 'expert' strangers, all these people who try hard to develop confidence in

themselves! Hey, I'd rather have the friends; its more comfortable. But everyone has to

choose their own way of life!


There are too many people like the person above who have nothing to do but remember

their daily low self esteem (and to subsequently attack others); and they need to spend

time complaining that 'so and so' is an expert. Oh, Come on. This is cry baby stuff.

Real professional photographers don't sit at a computer screen and broadcast to the whole

world their intermost insecurities! Whimpering on the internet....you give youself the

reputation you earn. You should keep that 'stuff to tell your closest friend, or therapist.

But you see, there are lonely people out there who have no friends to confide and find

comfort with! They attacked them all away long ago! So now they got this screen and a



The world may not be a secure place, but why oh why make it more insecure by making

enemies, not friends! I mean this is illogical!


I checked out Garry's comment on www.google.com for this person's name and I did not

find one instance where this poster uses the word "expert" to name himself or in some

other sort of description of his services: Not one! You can do the search for yourself on

www.google.com. So, in conclusion, Garry E. is on my fail list. He has lost credibility in

my view of his words.


And no Garry, don't put me on your voo doo doll list. Save your money to buy lenses and

advertising, not "straw men" dolls.


Time for dinner. Goodbye all. Over and out.

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I am still trying to figure out why "Timber" thinks that posting under different names could

make even the most casual reader believe the posts are not coming from the same person.

or would make make any more sense in the real as opposed to the theorectical world. My

tests are repeatable by anyone. Those tests will either prove me right or wrong. So far

"Timber/Lucy/Thomas" have offered no tests to back up any of their assertions , claims or

theories. Without proofs, his/her postings are just words about words. When challenged

on a point or claim he/she/it just changes the subject.

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I'm still trying to figure out why 'Timber' is posting at all.


I would have thought that any normal and reasonable person would have concluded, after being banned first from this forum, then from various others, and finally from the whole of PN, that neither his opinions nor his presence are welcome here - but no, he simply adopts new aliases and continues as before, flogging the same dead horses.




And then, last night, his little tirade against me, which no doubt made him feel better but didn't make me feel worse.


Perhaps he should be banned again, not for me to say.


I did, in a moment of weakness, think about replying to his latest post but thought better of it - it would have been a total waste of time and would have achieved nothing. After all, the only thing that he and I have in common is that neither of us have the slightest idea what he's talking about.


I think that Lucy Thomas Borchling is probably best ignored.

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Thomas Redding,


Here's the deal, Thomas.


Keep your posts relevant to the topic at hand and refrain from personal attacks on other members of Photo Net.


Both Ellis and Garry are well respected members on PhotoNet. As one of the moderators of this Lighting Forum I have no problem banning you from this forum if you keep behaving innapropriately.


'Nuff said ?

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