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Birds in Wisconsin area tomorrow


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This is a quick question. I really like to go somewhere in Wisconsin

or near wisconsin for wild life photography tomorrow(Thanksgiving

day). I prefer birds, but anything is fine. Is there anybody around

who knows what kind of birds are available now in Nov around here.

I'm thinking of going to Horicon Marsh and it seems there are only

goose around there. May be couple of ducks. It was ok for me, but

there's a chance for snow in that area tomorrow. I can be happy with

one bird other than Mallard or goose. Any info is really appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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This is probably bad news, but I would personally argue against doing any bird photography in Wisconsin this week unless you have a death wish. We are in the midst of our gun deer season and there are about 750,000 hunters out and about with high powered rifles that could kill you from a mile away. Stay in your vehicle or in town. I'm an avid photographer and avid bicyclist and both those hobbies go on hold for the 9 days of gun deer season each year.
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Jemini, In Batavia, Illinois there is a bison herd at Fermi Labs (world reknowned particle research facility) in an open prarie type setting. Ten miles east of there is Morton Arboretum with its miles of trails and native oak woodlands. Between the 2 places s Herrick lake which has its woodlands. Not sure what the holiday entrance situation is, but both would offer opportunities and be safe from deer season issues. Not sure where you're located.


Sometimes I like to put myself in an area with a variety of places to check out and see how lucky I get. :)


Cheers, Greg

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It seems it will be raining in Batavia tomorrow. But I could not find the information about the Bison place there. Do you have a url? Anyway I'll keep this place in mind to go later <br><br>


So we will chase squirrels and deer around here in milwaukee. Thanks a lot for all the info. No picture is worth for life :)


Happy thanksgiving.

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Try Whitnall Park near Hales Corners at the nature center, they have bird feeders there and the birds are somewhat used to people. I got some real nice shots there not sure if they are open on thanksgiving. I would call ahead first to see if they are filling the feeders yet the number is 414-425-8550 I think they open at 8:00am best to get there early for the best activity. Rich
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That's where I allways go. Almost evey weekend on saturdays. I got this deer from there couple of weeks ago. This was just acros the duck pond. Almost every day I've seen deer crosssing that way.<br><br>

<a href="http://www.color-pictures.com/display.asp?rollid=238&frameno=22" target="w-2">http://www.color-pictures.com/display.asp?rollid=238&frameno=22</a><br><br>I'll be there tomorrow morning if the weather isn't too bad. Are you into photography?

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Thanks to all of you who has responded. Since the weather was really dull we (me and one of my friend) decided to stay around the city. We went to the whitnal park shot bucks and birds. I'm so glad I've stayed here. I'm not sure if I've got any nice shots, because the shutter speed was around 1/10. I had Velvia 100F in the camera. <br><br>

As Rich suggested we waited near the bird feeder and found 4 different birds including a group of cardinals. One was a sparrow. I have to find out what was the third and fourth. I never seen them before. I had a nice thanksgiving day. There's nothing like walking in woods the whole day with camera...:)<br><br>

Alex, I'll note this down for next trip. <br><br>

Doug, I'm planning an eagle trip soon. As far as I understand January is their peak season. Right? It's around 3-4 hours drive from Milwaukee I guess.<br><br>


Happy thanksgiving dinner to everybody...<br><br>



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I think I am a day late and a dollar short for you here, but... you can

photograph tundra swans on the MN-WI border. In the town of Alma along the

Mississippi is an observation platform for Swan viewing. Tundra swans

migrate out of Alaska and Canada along the Mississippi flyway. Reicks Lake

in Alma is a regular stop for them because this wetland is rich with Tubers. I

have posted some images of the swans that I made two weeks ago in this

location on my website. In addition, I've included a USFW link about the

swans in a brief essay that is connected with the pics.


Check them out at http://www.owlseyenaturephotos.com

good shooting and regards,


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It's been a while since I was there, but I went in February myself. Basically you want to go there after much of the rest of the river has fozen up as the power plant keeps some of the waters open. Dress well and wrap up those tripods. Bring extra batteries too or one of those battery cords if your camera supports it.


I've also been to the Swan site noted by the other poster noted above. A lovely place to see hundreds of Whistling (Tundra) swans.


There are also some really lovely places in Winter to see re-introduced Trumpter Swans in eastern Minnesota (all say within an hour of the Twin Cities). Beautiful birds, and their calls! Breath-taking. That might be a little far for you though, I'm afraid.

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Hey Jemini,


Fermi Labs used to have some really nice url's for visitors, and some info about their grounds. Since the largest component of the collider is under the ground (the ring), this leaves many acres of open land above. Here's the only url I could quickly find and it only refers to a field trip to the labs.




I used to live closeby (near Naperville), but now I live on the west coast. Historically, the lab and its grounds has been open to the public and I would think that they still are. Besides the prarie and bison, seeing the world's premier particle accelerator (for a short while longer) is worth a visit.




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Thanks Greg,Doug and Bruce. I will have to plan a Eagle trip and it seems it's worth a swan trip too. Do you guys know if I can see both eagles and swans along Mississippi somewhere? Or are they in totally different area? I haven't started gathering information about eagles either. I'll have to find out where Alma is and where Red Wing is.
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If you are lucky, you would be able to do both eagle and swan photography

on the same day... but, this will not be at the same location. Swan migration

through Reicks lake seems to occur during mid to late November. On the west

side of the river is Wabasha, MN. Wabasha has some great eagle photo op's.

My best eagle portraits were done in a residential area that lies adjacent to

the Mississippi... as for photographing eagles and swans together, I know the

swans might stage a protest and leave in fear for their lives ; ).


regards, bruce



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