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A bit of a lurker here up to now, and thanks to all those who have posted some very

helpful stuff.


I took the plunge last week and got a Leica M6TTL with a 50mm/f2. So far I've shot

off a couple of rolls although I haven't yet seen the results. I probably should have

waited until then before I posted, although I doubt I'll ever pluck up the courage to

post any pictures here anyway.


I haven't owned many cameras and would not describe myself as in any way an

expert. I started off when I was about 14 with a zillion-hand Box Brownie and spent a

great part of my paper-round money on film and processing. Still have many of those

photos. Then at the start of the 1980s I got a new K1000, followed by an ME Super

(great camera), together with a 35mm, 50mm and 85mm (superb lens). Plus an 80-

200 zoom I added later for a safari trip (good for that purpose, gathered dust

afterwards). That kit lasted me for about 20 years until, as with so many camera

outfits, it went off, much loved and battered, without my permission, to be sold on

some street bazaar.


After much thought and many voices trying to persuade me to go digital, or at a

mimimum AF, I went for the M6. If I was a pro with a deadline or absolutely having to

get wedding shots and process them back that day, I'd no doubt go digital. But I'm

not and I don't.


Yes, I know, Leicas are expensive relative to other cameras. But people spend more

on a TV nowadays. And this is almost certainly the last camera I will buy and I hope to

be taking pictures for another 25 years at least.


I'm certainly no luddite and do a lot of stuff on my Macs, but for me photography is a

pleasurable pastime, not a way to make money. I love the tactile interaction of a

manual camera and, for what I do, I can't see any advantage in AF. Not to criticise

those who think otherwise.


Regarding digital, I don't need images back fast but, far more importantly, for me

taking a picture is just half the process. The other half is the processing. I'll never tire

of the magic of producing a print.


In the short term, unfortunately that second part of the experience is out due to 2

small kids and only one bathroom, but only on a temporary basis.


I don't aspire to having a style, but most of my pictures are people (many of my kids),

street scenes, Polish rural life (horses are still more common than tractors in many

parts of the country - very photogenic), broken-down ex-Communist factories, etc.

The places I go. I very rarely have a special trip to take photos but almost always have

my camera with me. I suppose on average I shoot 2-3 rolls a week, in the vain hope

that once or twice a year I'll get a picture I really like.


As for other kit, I'll soon get a portrait lens (probably the 75mm) - I just love that

kind of length - and probably a 35mm, although I don't often use wide angle. Plus

the Leica flash for occasional indoor use. And that's it, really. At the moment the

50mm, some PanF, FP4 and HP5 and a light tripod are all I need. Oh, I got one of

those Crumpler backpacks (Formal Lounge) in place of the CCS bag my old gear was

(and maybe still is) in. Excellent choice, comfortable, good protection,

unobtrusive, and with room for a laptop when working or for the paraphanalia that

goes with small kids when I'm not.


Gosh, I've really rambled on here. I'll stop now.





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Hi, Andy - Welcome to one of the more interesting forums in existence. More to the point, welcome to the small (but dedicated) legion of Leica shooters.


Your choice of a 50mm, IMHO, is on target, as using that lens will let you learn what we're all about. Yeah, our more advanced brethern will profess that other lenses are to be preferred. In most instances, they are correct, in that is what they now use - - - but many started with the ubiquitous 50mm, as did I, in 1945. It's a "natural"lens - - no wide-angle distortion nor telephoto compression. Yes, I use other lenses, but the 50mm still my mainstay after 58 years of Leica photography.


Anyway, welcome aboard!

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