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I've used them a few times. While largely reliable, they did screw up my most recent

order. I received film that was completely different than what I had ordered - even the

brand was wrong. I emailed them about it and didn't get a response for almost two

weeks. I suppose I could have just called, but my "day" job makes it much easier for

me to correspond with the outside world via email than by telephonic communication.


<p>What was more annoying than their delay in responding to me was the fact that

they wanted me to pay return shipping for their mistake. I refused to do so, but

funnily enough, I actually ended up liking the film they sent me <i>better</i> than

what I had ordered! Had than been their intention, I'd have been impressed. But as it

stands, I was left with a bit of a bad taste in my mouth.

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<p><i>"What was more annoying than their delay in responding to me was the fact that they wanted me to pay return shipping for their mistake."</i><p>Well, that right there ensures I'll never work with them. Go B&H. Very good prices, fresh film, very reliable.
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