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Jobo 2509 reel


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Ok.. my ongoing struggle to get perfect, or near perfect negatives.

I previously posted about some development problems.. and got those

worked out. The solution: more chemistry. Thanks all for the help.


The problem that I still have: The little "dots" in each corner of

my film. It's not my film holders, it's not my tank, it's not my

film - so that leads to the reels.



I'm using JOBO 2509 n (4x5) reels. They come with black plastic

holders that are supposed to make it easier to load your film. I

never used them - because they seemed harder to load the film..

BUT..after getting the little dot's in the cornet yet again, I

decided to inspect my reels. On the reels, there's little

plastic "pins" sticking up on the reels. They plastic holders are

supposed to be positioned there to keep the film from falling out

and optimize the processing quality (reads the JOBO instruction

book). I just found it strange.. that I'm getting little dot's in

the corner of my film, and these little dot's that come out of the

reels are conveniently located where the dots on my negatives are.



Is because I'm not using the black plastic holders causing the

problem? Has anyone else had this problem? Any other




An aggravating problem that has led me nowhere but frustrated.. but

at the very least I'm not giving up and sending them out... until I

find out what the problem is.



Thanks in advance for all your help.



Link to the reels: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?


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"Is because I'm not using the black plastic holders causing the problem? Has anyone else had this problem? Any other suggestions/help?"


The obvious test is to try it with the inserts in place. I'm having trouble visualizing how the pins could cause the problem but who knows. Are the marks on all the negatives or just those on the outside of the reel? The other thing are the marks always outside the image area? If so ignore them.

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I have been using the 2509N with a 2503 tank and a CPE-2+ for almost a year now with no problem. I always use the black holders for the ends, (I have heard that the film sheets can touch if these are not in place). I use the loading base as well.

Could you post a pic of the dots so we can see them?



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It's not my film. I used Kodak Plus-X as well as T-Max.. and they both did it. So film is not the problem.


Like the man said above the post... the dots are so perfect.. they're always in the same spot... Next time I'm going to develop I'm going to use the black holders.. and hope that that is the problem.


I just don't understand why not using the black holders will cause these "dots" and "L's" to appear.

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