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Bad time to buy a 10D?


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Hi Deciding between a 10D and a Rebel. Thanks to this and other

boards I have a clear sense for the difference between the two. I

would enjoy having the 10D and I can afford it. I have read

suggestions that it will be replaced or improved shortly however and

wonder if I'm better off enjoying a Rebel for a while. I know this

will strick some as a silly question so my apologies in advance, but

any insights into these potential developments would be appreciated.

PS- I would like a camera now as I have time over the holidays (2

weeks!) to get to learn how to use it but I certainly could wait. TIA

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Canon have stated that the 10D has NOT been discontinued and that it will remain a current product all this year and "well into 2004".


My own opinion is the the Digital Rebel/300D will be upgraded in one year - just in time for the 2004 holiday shopping season.


Buy the 10D and enjoy!



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Now is a GREAT time to buy a 10D! Especially since Circuit City is currently selling them for $1,350, or 10% off the going rate of $1,500.


(I know there are other vendors selling the 10D for less than $1,500, but few if any of them have the reputation, strength and presence of CC.)

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I had the same problem, to choose 10D or wait for the newer one (I hope it would be 3D). Do you want to know my decision? I bought G5 instead. I know it is not a very good decision, but not bad either, since I need a camera to be carried anywhere easily, and I need a digital one to practice as well, I will go DSLR finally, but not this year, not with digital Elan(10D) nor Rebel(300D). Enjoy shooting with any camera!
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My vote is to buy. Fortunately, buying a premium product like the 10D means that you can also easily sell it online to buyers that are looking to save a few bucks. Maybe you buy it, keep it for 6 months and sell it if a new model comes out. You take a few hundred dollar hit (maybe) when you resell. You effectively end up paying a 'rental fee' that is quite affordable. I see it as virtually risk free, besides paying a fee for using it until (if) you sell it. Enjoy!

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Digicams are fashion items for lots of men, so they don't want to be caught with last year's model. I have a friend that started with the D30, sold it and got a D60 and, finally, sold it and bought a 10D. Now he's fretting over when the 10D will be replaced. His images are strictly point 'n shoot pics of family and pets...


Yes, the 10D will be replaced someday. Nobody knows when that day will come, but rest assured it will. However, does it matter? 10D image quality and operational performance will not degrade the moment the new model hits the stores. Besides, Canon cameras tend to evolve slowly, so a replacement model won't be lightyears ahead. Probably they'll add ECF, USB 2.0 and enable write acceleration and call it the EOS 10DN.

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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What the hay is an EOS 3D? Such a presupposed name smacks of photogeek/forum wet dreams runamuck. I doubt Canon would be stupid enough to name a camera 3D. Of course, they do have a Kiss Digital...

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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I vote for the 300D.


When a new mid-range dSLR comes out next year, you're going to want it. If you have the 300D, the 300D will be a great second body, a go everywhere with the kit lens + one fast prime camera (it really is quite a bit more compact than the 10D or D100). But if you have the 10D, there's no justifying the 10D as a second camera, and you'll have to give it to a geeky niece or ebay it at a loss. The worst thing about the 10D is that you'll hesitate about buying that new dSLR.


The 10D's a very bad idea.

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To Puppy Face:

You said "What the hay is an EOS 3D? Such a presupposed name smacks of photogeek/forum wet dreams runamuck. I doubt Canon would be stupid enough to name a camera 3D. Of course, they do have a Kiss Digital..."


What's wrong with you? Name is name, EOS 3D may not be a perfect name, but it is a good one since itself tells it is between 1D(1Ds) and 10D, and perhaps based on EOS 3 body. I don't think your name tells anything.

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Okay, sure. I'll speculate (which is worth almost as much as a rumor).


For the last 3 years in a row, canon has announced one or more new DSLRs at the

annual PMA in mid February. Given this track record, they will likely do it again. It is a

big deal. There is very little chance they will introduce anything new between now and

then. What comes out at PMA will be anybody's guess. Canon has been historically

tightlipped about it. Rumors circulate fast and furious for the month leading up to

PMA, but most of them turn out to be wrong. If they introduce something really hot,

there is likely to be supply problems. So as a practical matter, you can either buy a

10D now, or wait until mid-February to see if anything newer or cooler is coming out,

and then wait another month (or longer) before you can actually get your hands on



Waiting for the next speculated DSLR is like waiting for the next faster computer. No

mater what or when you get it, something better will come out within a year for less

money. If the 10D or D-Rebel suits your needs, and you can afford it, and it pleases

you, just get it and be happy.

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