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Nikon Secrecy


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Once upon a day, companies would anounce likely dates for new product launches. It

provided responsible buyers the opportunity of planning their purchases. I figure that

at this point it is obvious to most that the D2X will follow the D2H. It is also my

opinion that secrecy is not the greatest competitive strategy. I am certain that those

that need to know, namely the Canon, Fuji or Kodak of the world know well, from

their own sources, what Nikon is up to.

Come on Nikon marketing: have the vision to anounce the D2X. Tell us when and with

what. Entice us. The D1X 'new' is simply not enough for those of us who make a living

with high end images. We need that next step to really compete with film.

Cemil Alyanak

Producer and Director of Photography


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This isn't limited to just Nikon. Apple computer is very similar in regards to product rollout. Sometimes info is leaked, sometimes not. I believe this is done because, in Nikon's case, there still are quite a few D1Xs in the pipeline to be sold. If a D2X is announced, D1X sales would dry up big time. It's smart business, although frustrating for us.
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Agreed, to a degree. Someone knowledgeable enough to buy a D1X, would likely

know that a D2X is in the pipeline. My view, instead, is that if the release is imminent,

compete with your own product on price point - drop the D1X down and clear the

pipeline. If the release is far off, announce it so as not to impede the D1X sales for

those who need it and cannot wait X months for the D2X. Anyway, enough said,

you're right, it's FRUSTRATING.


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The all keep secrets, but Canon is killing Nikon in one area: the ability to actually announce and ship a product. Look at Nikon's track record; it's horrible. Where's the D2H? Is it shipping? How long did we hear about the 12-24 and the 24-120VR lens before they shipped?


Canon announced the 10D and Digital Rebel and shipped the within the month. They're walking off the shelves. Nikon has no response.


They're not talking, maybe, because they have nothing to say, or their long-time customers wouldn't like what they had to say. Either way, if Nikon doesn't have anything new within six months, I'll be looking elsewhere. This is ridiculous.

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