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D100 replacement - Any news/rumors


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Has anyone any information on the new D100 replacement? According

to rumors I have heard its supposed to be the bomb. I went to buy

the D100 when the sales rep told me to wait for the new model which

will put Canon 10 and 60 to shame. But I can't find any information

on any of the web sites.

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are you going to use this toolprofessionally or for your hobby? Who was your

salesman and at what store?


if you are a pro it might not be worth waiting for as no replacement has been

announced. the money you make now will be more valuable than the money you

spend of film and processing (or switching brands).


I cannot think of a single camera store salesman who has a clue as to what is in a

companies pipeline. Since the camera has not been officially announced, anyone who

actually knows anything has signed a Non disclosure Agreement (NDA) and is legally

obliged not to talk aboutwhat they know.

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Sounds suspiciously like the D2H, which is one hell of a camera. Not exactly a replacement for the D100 (you can get two D100s for the price) but it's not made for the same market, either.


The D100's a great camera (I just bought one) that's not going to evaporate when a replacement is eventually introduced. The price is lower now (I paid $1,450 at a local store) so if you like it, get one.

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Perhaps the rep realizes that D100 is not as competitive as could be against the Canon 10D and 300D, so rather than lossing the client to Canon without a struggle, he figured he's got nothing to loss talking up a notional D200, even if he really doesn't know anything about it.
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Some clarification. I am an amateur longtime Nikon user with several lenses and speedlites. I currently use an N90 35mm SLR and 5700 P&S. I will be replacing the N90 as I haven't used it in over a year since I've had the 5700.

This came from a sales rep at the local Ritz store at the mall. He is the same guy who tried to sell me a Fuji S2 last time I went in to look at the D100. This time I was there with money in hand and he told me to wait for the D100 replacement! He told me he wasn't stocking the D100 due to it. Either he is the worst sales rep ever or he has something against the D100.

In any case, I think I have heard enough praise for the D100 to be swayed by the hidden agenda of a clueless sales rep. Thanks for the replies.

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I am sure a sale rep at your local Ritz is not going to have any insider knowledge in Nikon's product plans. Maybe he was out of D100 and made a lame attempt so that you wouldn't buy one from someone else. By the same token, you are not going to get any insider info from this forum either.


The D100 is a fine camera for its price category. But if there is any replacement such as a D200, it won't be that much better or it would seriously cut into D1x, D2h and any future D2x sales. Nikon will make sure that any D100 (or potential D200) is significantly inferior in certain aspects to their higher-end cameras.

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If the rep was thinking of the rumored Nikon D70, you will likely need to wait until the Spring. But then again, the D70 will not be a replacement for the D100, exactly. The yet-to-be-announced D70 might be more along the lines of Canon's Digital Rebel, or (my hope) it will be an improvement over Canon's technology but cheap enough for me to justify buying one.


One thing is for sure: Nikon could make me a lot happier by moving faster! I want a DSLR, but I'd like better value than the D100.

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It's not about wanting the latest toy for me. I would like a D100 but would

prefer to (potentially) save $500 (more or less). I am not a pro and I am not in

a hurry. Plus, other threads have RUMORED that Nikon applied for a

trademark on a camera which will be called D70. I think it's likely that they will

seek to compete with the Digital Rebel. I hope so anyway. Other comments

have merit, however, when they say that it may not be worth waiting if you can

make $$ on your pix today.

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