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Easy traveling developer

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I'm looking for a easy traveling single solution developer that can be used

with new Delta 400 and not give me problems with storage heat wise. Am I

asking too much? I'd also prefer that it could be used at higher developing

temps, like 75F. I'd prefer something liquid if I could get it in small containers,

but not Rodinal. I'm starting to think that maybe powder packages and mixing

as I need it would be the way to go, and just dumping the excess if it doesn't

store well, but I'd hate to pollute tho. Are there any options for developers for

liquid storage in less than ideal temps?

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Diafine seems like the perfect answer. It is a powder, but the mix lasts for a long, long time and can be reused many times. Also, it is rather indifferent to temperature changes. The mixing is the pain, the rest is easy as cake. And you could batch multiple types of film together.
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Well if you're flying this might not be the best idea but. A little plastic bag full of sodium sulfite. A second bag full of metol. A set of kitchen spoons. Mix D-23 at working strenght when you need it. It supposedly works fine at 75F but I've never had to deal with that. No waste. No liquids to leak.
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Thanks guys; I've ruled out Xtol and Diafine although I use both. I really don't

want to be carrying around big bottle's of solution. My fixer is TF4, which I can

carry in a reasonably small bottle due to dilution rate and longetivity, and I

want one small bottle (maybe 250ml) of developer that can mixed at time of

use and be diluted. The thing that worries me most is something sitting in high

heat at times.


I like the idea of mixing my own, but then if I got pulled over in a car or

someone questioned it at baggage check, or even going thru checked

baggage I'd probably have a hard time explaining what it was, and it would

more than likely cause more trouble than it's worth. It would be perfect tho, but

I don't know how D23 works with Delta 400. The question of flying with liquid

is another matter. I'll have to check that out with my standard carrier. I could

always pick something up where I fly to; If available.

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I could see it now


Officer Bill " What is this powder stuff?"


You " It's film developer. Really!"


Officer Bill " It's what???"


You " Developer"


Officer Bill " I think I should send these chemicals to the lab"


You " I can prove it. Let me develop a roll of film for you"


Officer Bill " Really?"


You " Sure want some naked pictures of your wife?"

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I would think about Ilford LC-29. This is a highly concentrated

developer (dilution up to 1:29) so a small bottle goes a long way.

It has a very long life in a partly filled bottle (from memory

18 months in a half full bottle). It is a good general purpose

developer. I have not used it with Delta 400, but no reason why

it should not be OK.

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Given the current excitable state of airport staff you may find it difficult to get developers on to a 'plane. But I'd suggest Rodinal which, I believe is used by Sebastiao Salgado, no other. Other than that ID11 or D76 which can be dissolved on site. But as has been noted, carrying small packets of white powder may cause the raising of eyebrows and questions!
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I am thinking... Gainer Phenidone Vitamin C developer.<p>

Mix as you go, use teaspoon measures, get the Phenidone sent to your destination (by a reputable company) and source your Vitamin C and Borax or Carbonate locally.<p>

...Use Ilfords wash sequence for a water stop and film wash and you're halfway there.<p>

Methinks <b>this</b> is the worlds most environmentally friendly developer.<br>My own 2 cents: trust a company which polluted a river to create a truly environmentally friendly developer ?...

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I'm surprised that nobody mentioned the super-concentrates HC-110 and Infotec HC. They are useable at the higher temperatures and, outside of Rodinal, are probably the most durable concentrates out there. A full sized container of the stuff could easily be decanted into small plastic chemical bottles and conveniently stowed for the trip. A very small graduated cylinder, thermometer and a time temperature chart would be necessary accompaniments. That said, I have not used these concentrates with the newest Delta 400, but did use ILFOTECH HC 1:31 with the older Delta 400 with good results. If the new Delta responds to this developer as its predecessor did, expect the grain to be noticeably more distinct than with Xtol. By the way, maybe it's just me, but except for scenes with a very wide brightness range, I've found the new Delta 400 to be pretty dismal in Diafine.
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Bill from waht I have read over at http://unblinkingeye.com/Articles/Harvey/

harvey.html, this developer is a deep tank solution that needs to be ripened.

Doubt that it work for me, but sounds like something to try one day. Any



Barry, I don't think I'd use a compensating developer when I need expansion,

but when I do need it Diafine is pretty good and easy. The only other

developer I want to try is Barry Thorntons DiXACTOL Ultra which is a single or

two bath compensating developer. http://www.barry-thornton.co.uk/



I just got finished developing Delta 400 in Xtol 1:3 @75F and will print tonight.

There's an obvious speed increase and not a small one. Grain looks good. I

wish they still made it in 1 liter size since I only have one left.


I'm startiing to think that for flying the powders are going to be better. At least

the packages are sealed with manufacture's names on them. The only other

possibility is a 125ml Rodinal bottle since I'm now leaning more towards a

non-solvent developer.


I could see driving and getting pulled over by the cops and having a big old

jug full of Xtol or D76. They'd probably think it was moonshine. BTW, I wonder

if moonshine could develop film?

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The nicest little packages of liquid concentrate I know of are Neofin. For Delta 400, the Neofin Red would be good.

At the moment I would have used Pyrocat-HD, which is used at very high dilutions.


Is 75F hot? I routinely used Ilfosol S at 25°C for 90% of my work some years ago with exellent results - and that is more than 75F...

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Yea Chris, I'll just tell the people at the gate that it's urine samples and that I'm

taking them to my doctor. ( ^:


Ole, I meant storing the solutions at temps above 80F, but then a cooler would

work. I was just wondering about high temp storage without cooling and how

it affected the developers if at all.

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