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Ilford XP1 400 developing time?

janet cull

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Hi Janet -- I've been gradually using up some XP1 in both 120 and 35mm that's been in the fridge for quite a while... Some of the 35 was loaded from bulk in 1984.


I used to develop this stuff myself in Ilford's own XP1 processing kits. The basic time specified by Ilford is 5.5 min at 100 degF. It's notable that this is a good bit longer than the standard C41 time of 3.25 min at 100 degF.


Consequently, when I recently shot some of this film and had the first rolls machine-processed by the local lab, I shouldn't have been surprised to see the negs come out rather thin and flat. BTW, my standard EI for XP1 has long been 250 rather than 400.


So, for the next roll I requested "push process" by 1 stop as for EI=800 (fibbing a bit for the lab's benefit, I just wanted more contrast and highlight density). These came out a good bit snappier. Maybe a tad TOO snappy, but still fine. I suspect a half-stop push would be ideal, but I'm content with the 1 stop, and I don't have much of that film left now.


I've reserved the last few rolls for low-contrast subjects, but I think XP1 in the standard C41 would still be good if one scanned the thin/flat negs and then tweaked the contrast in image editing software.


I understand that XP2 was redesigned for machine processing, and comes out with normal contrast and density.


Hope this works for you!

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