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rating in revenge


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  • 3 weeks later...

I've come across this thread by pure accident while doing a search on Photo.net. Being

at the root of a discussion while not being involved seems unfair to me.


YES. I did rate your picture badly because of the rating you gave me. Why? Kind of

obvious. But you on the other hand, you were playing a game. So who's right? You

playing a game or me retaliating? You will notice, if you check your ratings, That I did feel

bad about this and changed my rating with an honnest one, and that without knowledge

of this conversation.


With that said, I post work that I like or stuff I find interresting for whatever reason. I

consider ratings subjective in general. Even when I get a below average rating on my

work, I tend to take it with a grain of salt. But your rating was BAD overall with no

explanation. And that is not cool, even if you were playing.... and YOU never even

corrected your rating....

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As I said, James, I am sure that there are honest folks who do not have public photos -- but there are many abusers.

I like to look at a person's work to try to figure out why they gave me the rate they did, if they left no comment. (Note: I generally do not rate people whose ratings I disagree with; it's more a matter of looking at what their particular interest is to see if it's an artistic difference or what.) It's important to me because I want to learn from my experiences... if I have nothing to reference it to, how can I improve? (for instance, some advice on improving fireworks shots... ;) )


When I get a fly-by that's way out of line with others' rates, with no comment to explain it, from someone who has no pictures up, it's annoying-- especially the no-comment 1/1.


Isn't that supposed to be a terrible, out of focus, badly composed picture? That was always my understanding... and yet the photo I'm attaching received one without explanation....

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