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Out of focus backlit pictures


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I took some pictures in Central Park this week using tmax 100 and a

fuji folder 645 camera. When I developed the pictures, the part of

the image at the bottom, which was trees and ground, was very sharp,

but the part at the top, which was tree branches against overcast

sky, was very blurred. The pictures showed the same effect whether

horizontal or vertical, and I have seen this as well in photos taken

with a super-ikona 6x6 (although not with pictures taken with a

Mamiya 7). I have not tested the camera (I plan to) but prior

pictures of non-backlit subjects seem sharp throughout. Can back-

lighting cause blurring? What do you do to prevent that?


Thanks, Lee

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Just an off the wall possibility for you to consider, if you were pretty close to the trees that blurred. It is possible that some of the upper branches of the trees were a lot closer to you than the trunks because of the shape of the trees. Is it possible, given your compositions which of course we can't see, that the the ground and base of the trees are in focus and the some of the middle branches weren't?
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