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Any reason to own both a Contax 645 and a Rollei 6008 integral?


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Here's the situation I'd like your thoughts on. I've searched

the archives but haven't come across anyone directly addressing the

issue. I've had a contax 645 for about a year and love it. However, I

recently came across a Rollei 6008i at a great price and...well, you

know the rest. The Rollei is an ingenious camera - I really like it

as well. In fact, equally as much as the contax. So I now have 2

medium format cameras, which most people would probably think is a

waste. I'd like your comments: if you were only going to keep one of

these, which would it be? Keep the contax system and just use the

Rollei w. only the 80mm lens as an alternative/backup? Or sell the

contax system (w. 45, 80 & 140mm lenses) and buy a couple of schneider

lenses? Note: I use autofocus on the contax about 80% of the time

(not as a necessity, mostly as a convenience), but it's quite nice for

unobtrusive street photography with the waist-level finder (if you

want to take horizontal pictures!). Any comments on using the rollei

for street photography would also be appreciated.


A couple of obvious concerns that don't need to be addressed:


I don't really care about the square format v. 6x4.5 issue. I

generally shoot rectangular, but maybe 30% of my prints are cropped

square. I have not noticed an appreciable difference in image quality

from reasonably sized (up to 16x20) prints made from 6x6 negs or

cropped square from 6x4.5 (I know there's some difference, just not a

decisive one).


Both cameras have advanced (for medium format) metering systems, so

that's not too much of a concern, either (although the rollei wins a

bit here because it has average and spot metering built in to the

body, while the contax has only spot).


Thanks. Sorry such a long message.

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Assuming that money *is* an object (otherwise, why ask?), I would sell the Rollei. As nice as it is, I think it probably won't add much to your photography. When I make a purchase, I like to think about what difference it will make in my photographs. Why not buy some good lights or the new Polaroid 120 medium format scanner, or something that is not such a functional duplicate of what you already own. How about spending the money on a trip, that you can take your Contax gear on? For me, the bottom line is the photograph, so I want a purchase to affect the bottom line.
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William, everybody knows that one sistem is better than two or more cameras. Otherwise it is a constant pain: what to shoot with?


I don't know what is better Contax or Rollei, so as I use 2 other sistem: Hasselblad (3 body, 7 lenses, 12 backs) & Linhof Super Tech. 23 Vb + 3 lenses + 6X6,6X7,6x9 backs + 9X12 adapter and a plenty of accessories for both sistems, and 4 Rolleiflex TLRs. I am happy with all of them and know what is the pain :-)


Don't harry to sell until you will exactly know what the camera is better for you. Maybe both. As for me, I like very reliable and vibration-free cameras for handholding and best lenses.


Good luck,



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Before I purchased my Rollei, I was also considering the Contax 645. Autofocus was not a determining factor for me as I never use it (even with my Nikon F4 I still focus manually). As I now primarily shoot weddings I prefer the square format.


The reasons I went with the Rollei are: a wider selection of available lenses, if I desire to shoot 645 there is the rotating 645 film magazine which accepts both 120 or 220 sizes, and flash sync at all speeds up to 1/1000 with PQS lenses (this was the determining factor for me as the Contax is a focal plane shutter).


As for street photography, the 6008i with a waist level finder, and a wide angle lens such as the 50mm or 60mm (using hyperfocal distance focusing) should serve you well. I also find the rotating 45° prism to be useful for street photography as I can rotate the prism 180° and rest the camera on my shoulder, while looking through the viewfinder at what is behind me, without the subject's awareness that I am taking their picture. Many people are not aware that the entire Rollei prism can be rotated. Check one out at your local Rollei dealer and you will see a new world of possibilites with street photography.

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Hi William, Most of the time people ask which system to buy. An impossible question to answer. You are in the comfortable position to own both systems without suffering from starvation :-). I would like to say: Use both systems for a while and then decide. Good luck. By the way, I own the Rollei.


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William, I've been using the 6008i for about 4 years and have been considering the Contax 645. If you are going to crop the square negative to 6x4.5 anyway, why would you want the Rollei? The way I shoot, street photography would only benefit from autofocus. The contax lenses are 1 f stop faster for a given focal length in most cases, also an advantage. The Rollei cannot perform fill flash as the Contax (with the ability to easily control the amount of flash output- although it can be done). My reason for not switching is that I enjoy using and printing square images, but I do long for the autofocus convenience and the faster lenses. I hope that this will be the most difficult decision of your life. Best wishes for the Holidays and Happy New Year. Bill Henick
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