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Hors Competition





These are special portfolios that have received so many ratings that

the site has elevated them to "out-of-competition" status.





Anna Pagnacco









Even though I am trying to protect my rights in PN and well knowing

that in six weeks all my photos will be deleted from Photonet and I

will never come back,I thank Photonet for this honour.All my work of

an year in PN is shown here.To all photonetters who gave me

suggestions and from whom I learnt and to those who followed my work

until now.


I say:




It has been a wonderful adventure.....thank you all!



Anna Pagnacco

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Anna, Anna,

The road to redemption lays before you. You've many wonderful images but it seems you've not been satisfied with the reward of personal satisfaction and felt you must achieve, through less than honorable means, notoriety via elevated ratings and brutal defensiveness when criticized.


Start a new portfolio. Thank those who have supported you, at the expense of others, and beg them not to rate your photos again. Let them know that you'd like the chance to show the worth of your work when paired side by side with everyone else without any special consideration from a throng of dedicated admirers. When you get POW with a photo gaining that recognition on it's own merits, or have the highest average rating for a photo without the benefit of date-rating THEN you've shown the world what your photography is all about.


Your are talented, prolific, articulate, but woefully immature in your dealings with others here. I've been a silent observer of the behavior for weeks and have intentionally kept myself out of the fray until now. PN is not a governmentally controlled organization, you have no "rights" here. It is a monarchy controlled solely by a few and they have full power to ban, promote or whatever they wish. Some have asked why you could not have been warned...the multiple threads in this forum over the past month or so show how you've been multiply warned if not directly then indirectly by the masses who pointed out your spiteful revenge and ire at low ratings and where the throngs who adore you would then pounce on the images of anyone who deinged to rain on your parade of 7/7 scores. Sad to say the least.


I for one feel this way: I want you to stay, I want you to contribute your wonderful photos, I want you to play the game honestly. I want you to take the criticism along with the praise in a mature and respectful way. If that's asking too much then perhaps you should move on. If you feel you're up to it then I'll be the first to applaud your bravery in facing the challenge.

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Anna, grace becomes you. I truly hope you will come from this valley recognised as not just the most prolifically talented member of photo.net, but also as one of the most constructive. It would be great to have a link from your "hors competition" portfolio to information about the techniques and tools of your mastery.
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<p>I don't understand why you're leaving Photo.net. Your fans can still post comments such as <i>Wonderful</i>, <i>Bravo</i> etc that I have seen on some of your photos while browsing today.</p><p>I wouldn't worry too much about no more ratings because in the case of a lot of your photos they are meaningless, for instance <a href=http://www.photo.net/photo/1093665> this one </a> has a comment <i>Aesthetics 6, Originality 7</i>. While a great photo, it isn't that original, it is just another 'reflection in a window shot'. I can't help wonder if some of the ratings are sycophantic - others crawling up to a good photographer (you) to bask in reflected glory?</p><p>I agree with Evan, start a new portfolio, but under a different name, and don't let <b>anyone</b> know it is you. This way you can once again obtain fair, honest ratings. I come to photo.net, to learn, if you remove your photos you will be denying amateurs like myself a valuable resource.</p>
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I'm pretty convinced that you never existed "Anna" but were, in fact, a made-up personality from the start. Whatever the case, your photos have ranged from the absurd to the fantastic and your behavior on this site has almost always been that of a 13 year-old. I'm glad and sad at the same time to know that you and your drama will be departing us soon.
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I cann't help feeling that the forums will be a little quieter for a while at least. I do hope that you bow out gracefully now, so you can be remembered for your pictures and not for the controversy, your final days have raised. Good luck in the future, may your shutter immer flutter. <br>Now can we get on with the rest of the photos.
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I didn't have the chance to look at all your work at a time before.

The compilation is very impressive, and it will be a shame to

see it go away. I hope you and Brian can still

find a way to mend your differences for the benefit of all

other members. In my opinion, Brian's decision, although not

without justifications, was applied in an insensitive way, and

caused you to react irrationally, and then Brian to go on the

defensive. I know it is difficult once

you've been pushed to that point, but it is not too late for

both of you to reconsider your positions.

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This totally unfair decision.

I checked Anna's portfolio and most of her works deserve 7/7 absolutely! Her pictures

so carefully processed and show great sense of taste, so it looks for me that her

ratings are 100% deserved. Probably someone has problems with her personality, but

I'm sorry, this place is about photography and artists and sometimes they are

complex persons. But this is not empty hysterical bitching, she proved 356 times that

she is very strong photographer and as far as I see she is getting harsh only when

provoked by some unconfirmed accusations. And finally - if some people tend to

idealize her this is not her fault! Ban them! So far it looks like spawn of loosers

chasing the artist just because they can't beat her in the honest competition. Shame

on you!


Anna, don't take it too close. Your talent with you and this is most important!



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Well Laurent, there are very active members of Photo.net,

who actually take photographs, and spend time rating and commenting on each

other`s work.

As a matter of fact they also comment on and rate

everyone else`s work too.


This is now considered cheating.

The search is now on to weed out these unusually prolific


whose many images don`t deserve the attention that they have

been receiving up to now.

Anna is the first culprit publicly identified.








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Laurent, I guess you should start here: http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=005O1i


Although I understand Leanne's point of view, another way of putting it would be: because users tend to rate people they already know of, the Top Rated Photos are often trusted by the same photographers, and therefore prevent less-known photographers to appears in the TRP, even if their pictures are of the same quality (or better).


In order to avoid this focus on existing 'stars' and bring some 'fresh' work, photonet has decided that photographers who received more than 10000 ratings will have their pictures completely taken out the rating system. Instead, their work will be featured in a special "Hors Competition" zone in the Gallery.


Anna is the first (and only one) that has reached 10000 ratings, and her work cannot be rated anymore, nor appear in the TRPs based on the Aesthetic / Originality Notes. Her portfolio is still available. Things got even more complex when Anna decided to consider taking legal actions again PhotoNet.


Anna, I appreciate your work a lot, and wish to see your photos and comments on PN for a long time.

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Thank you very much for the sum up ! I get it now...


Well my profile says I'm a member of the www.photo.net community since July 17, 2001 (I stumbled on Philip Greenspun's photos while looking up for people using Illustra database...). I've been active only since a few weeks. I consider PN a really great great place. This place is an open system (from a systemic point of view), rating system is part of that system. It appears this module can be "cheated" or "biaised" on purpose or not. I would consider quite dramatic PN would be endangered by people taking advantage of an open system such as PN. Please note I am _not_ saying that someone or an other has biased the system on purpose, I'm just saying it is a possibility, again with or without "evil" intent. I consider a normal decision from PN to think about a nice way out when such cases happen. I think the "out of contest/hors competition" section was a great idea because it was quite neutral. Now I also find a bit shocking when people talk right away about lawyers (may be because I'm European) whereas PN is in my opinion a wonderful project not to be tainted by "usual business" stuff - I'm not sure I make myself clear.


Whatever - I only hope every PN members will go on acting as mature people realizing the wonderful tool we have here.

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