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What film for indoor party

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I know, I know, how many times must we answer this? But, alas, I

have some specifics, which may or may not change your answer.


A friend of my wife's is having a birthday party. This is going to

be a small gathering (maybe 15-20 guests), in a hotel room (a suite I

should say). I have a Canon EOS 3 and Speedlite 550EX. Most, if not

all, of the shots will be candid. I'm sure my wife, who loves firing

squad pictures, will request the usual "get one of me and ______"

or "Stu, take one of me and ______". I will have all lenses with me,

but figure to take most shots with the 50/1.4 and 100/2.0. I'd like

to take most of my shots with a photojournalistic approach. I also

have a 28/1.8 lens, but don't plan on taking many group shots.


Now, onto the question....


1) Since it's a hotel room at night, it will probably be very dimly

lit. My tastes are to shoot in Av mode (as wide open as possible

without blurring out the person the subject is speaking with) and as

little flash as possible. If I'm shooting in E-TTL flash mode, I

know the flash will be set at enough to just light the subject.

That�s fine. I am curious as to what speed film is recommended in

these situations. I have not been hired to take these pictures.

It�s just for my own practice, but I don't want to waste my time

either and find out that all the pictures turned out awful because I

had the wrong speed film. I don't plan on getting the prints

developed at a pro lab - again, this is just practice, and I can't

afford to spend over $10/roll if the pictures turn out lousy. Can I

get away with shooting 100-speed film with the above conditions? I

am not a fan of Max 400 or 800 and don't want to shoot Portra 400 and

have it developed at Sam's Club either. Am I SOL or is Gold 100

possible here? Sorry for the long post, but wanted to make sure I

got my question explained.




P.S. I had a very bad woodworking accident 8 weeks ago (nearly lost

some fingers on my left hand), and the bills are mounting. Therapy

is $$$$, and the last thing I need to do is spend more on

processing. If I do, I think my wife will kill me. (Just kidding'

about the last part). Thanks again.

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I shoot a mix of Kodak Gold 200 and Fuji Press 800. Both are very inexpensive if you shop around (I buy the Gold at Costco and the Press at B&H). I generally use the Gold with my flash and the 800 without, but you could certainly use the 800 with flash if it was your goal to get the background to 'paint' as much as possible and not have your photos look so 'flashy'.


The Fuji Press 800 is so much superior to the Max 800 of a few years back, it's not even funny. I have heard that today's Max 800 has finally gotten its act together, but somebody would have to pay me to try it again (blech!).


I can think of no reason why your Gold 100 wouldn't work as well with the flash, but you won't get as much background illumination, and your flash will work a little harder.

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I think you are going to want to use at least a 400 speed film for these conditions. Gold 100 will work, but your backgrounds will be dark. You can try Fuji Superia X-Tra 400/Press 400 (same film) or Kodak High Definition 400 (was Royal Gold 400).</P> I haven't used them, but as Todd suggested, Superia 800/Press 800 have a very good reputation as excellent high speed/relatively low cost films.</P> Any <B><U>competent</U></B> 1hr mini-lab should be able to do a good job printing any of these films.

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How about Fuji NPH, ISO 320, processed at your favorite "cheap" minilab using a Fuji Frontier system. IMHO, PJ style and party would mean that my 28mm would get a lot of use (wide and close gives your photo's a more intimate look). If you have standard (8 foot / white) ceilings, try bouncing the flash to avoid the "deer in the headlights" look.
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