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Developer for Fuji Neopan SS

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does anyone know a good developer or a better dilution or time for

Fuji Neopan SS?

I have tried

Ilford ID-11 and Agfa Rodinal 1+25. But with ID-11 the film

was "pink" and with Rodinal the film was gray, impossibile to make

good prints with. I am from Germany, so my English isn't the best.

Thank you for your answers


Best regards



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I have used it with HC-110 1+63 from American concentrate (12 min @ 20C is a good start) and film was clear.


I believe the longer films stays in the developer the 'cleaner' they will be. Long washing times help, also.


I think you meant in Rodinal the film was grainy, right? You may try using 1+50.


Have used it with ID-11 1+1 or 1+3?

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There is an article on Barry Thornton's web site. If your English is not very good you will get some practice from this long rambling article, but he is a very good photographer.




Follow the link to Fuji SS near the bottom of the opening screen.


I was interested in learning to use this film, but was informed by the local importer that it was probably going to be discontinued because of the new! improved! Acros, a very different film.

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I use Xtol 1+1 and rate the film at ISO 80, though it would be very good at ISO 100 as well. I'm also getting the pink base - I was told it is caused by remnants of the antihalation backing. Other films processed in the same batch (like Neopan 400 or Acros 100) don't have the pink stain, so I guess I fix everything properly. Anyhow, the pink stain doesn't interfere with printing on my enlarger at all, and I like the tonality very much, especially for photographing people.
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I have been using D76 with 1:1 dilution. Fuji recommends 8.25 (@20 deg C) minutes with this film. I develop it for 7.25 minutes. I do see the pink base. However it does not affect my ability to make good prints. No problems with contrast or shadow detail.

However your question makes me wonder if I got rid of the pink, would it make better prints? I dont know but I will try it next time

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I am a Fuji film user, I use SS, Acros and Presto. I think that HC-110(dilution B) is good for SS, it gives the film a grey base, easy to print. D-76 is a bit grainy compared to HC-110. Have you tried Fuji developers? I know that it might be difficult to find Fuji products in Europe, but here in Japan we have it anywhere.


By the way, if you have a chance do try Acros, it is a very sharp film, with very beautiful details.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Wolfgang,


Presto is a ISO400 film from Fuji. It is sharp yet not much grain. But I tends to get a little bit grainy when developed in D-76. I prefer in HC-110 dil.B.


No, I can't find any Aiko Lightpan SS here in Japan anymore. Maybe they have changed the name??


Yes, I understand that there are very few Fuji products available in Europe , which I think is sad. Here how I wish I could get hold of more European products. BTW Rodinal is expensive here! How I wish there is a chance to trade our stuffs...

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