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Hexar Discontinued????

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The camera bodies are pretty darned good, and the lenses are better than that. The three Hexanon RF lenses I've owned all had fit and finish better than any of my modern Leica lenses. Plus the Hexanon 50 doesn't flare like a Summicron, and their 35 is really useable at f2.0. I was hoping they'd come out with some f1.4 glass, but that's not likely now.
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It is indeed a pity the Konica Rf is dead, but to be honest who did not see it coming? Leica, despite all the moaning here, have both the market already and the reputation which basically is well-deserved. The RF was a fine camera with fine lenses, but still expensive and therefore not such a no-brainer deal compared to a Leica. This is at least where the VC Bessas score. The M7 also essentially delivered the coup de grace. In short Konica tried to take on Leica directly and lost. Unfortunately in this sense its trajectory followed precisely the pattern many in the market for a Leica-like r/f assumed it would which is probably why they did not buy it in the first place.
Robin Smith
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Just got an email from a friend (ex Nat'l Geo. shooter) who wants to have his Hexar modified for Leica glass (why, I don't know, he only uses Leica glass from 21 to 135 and I've seen the trans. under a 15X loupe and they are razor sharp). He talked to Minolta/Konica today and they stated that they are "out of Hexars and have been for six months"!


So I guess the die is cast. Pehaps as someone mentioned, Stephen or Rich can import these directly, along with the lenses (more 35's??).


We'll see what happens!

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It's a bit like Rodney Dangerfield (or whatever this lousy actor's name is) - "I cannot get any repsect!"


Reminds me when I was attending a wedding in Mexico. The wedding photographer/s (with Nikon F100s) flocked around my buddy and his M7. I carried a Hexar RF w/ the 50 at the time - and I wasn't given the time of the day, even if my buddy tried direct their attention to my piece.

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