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Do Fuji Frontier Index prints make a fair representation of exposure?

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I understand from the previous postings that prints from negatives

may be adjusted and variances in under/over exposure are

compensated. On a Fuji Frontier machine, does it store those

individually Altered files and print them on the index print or does

the machine scan them all, place them on the index print UNaltered

then each individual print is altered? If it is the latter case,

then I would find them useful for proofing, if anything for feedback

regarding proper exposure. Scott, expertise please?

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Although I do not have an answer, you are asking the same question that I was wondering about. My local Wal Mart has a new Frontier 370 with an above-average, fairly knowledgable staff. For $2.50 I can get processing and an index print, and then choose what I would like printed and/or enlarged. This allows me to take my negs wherever I please to get proofed/printed. My question, very similar to yours is, is the Frontier index print under a loupe a half-decent representation of the actual negative? Is there any way for the Frontier to make a larger index print thats easier to see? Thanks for asking the question, hopefully we can get some answers.
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Thanks everyone for the responses. The index prints would be helpful in keeping track of the individual pictures and negatives, but I was hoping for help with exposure. I knew it was too cheap and too good to be possible. I will, however, deliberately under and over expose some film and check out an index print. Thanks again for the help.
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