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Foveon has new CEO


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Well right now they've got one sensor. Its in an overpriced camera, and has a small market. Bringing out a lower resolution sensor (1.5mp as they have mentioned) for consumer cameras probably wont go over well unless one of the big companies carries it.


Foveon can't constantly market on a sensor thats 3 layers but has a lower xy resolution. Spatial resolution is spatial resolution and even with a Bayer filter pattern you're can get more detail. They need to come up with higher resolution sensors and they need to drop prices. Obviously thats not going to happen instantly but having a big partner would help.

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I'm not trying to knock Foveon. Maybe you guys haven't noticed but there hasn't been much action. I'm hoping foveon can break in to something big because its a promising technology but a lower resolution sensor really cannot compete against the higher resolution sensors out there. Even if it does have 3 layers. Unfortunately it may already have taken too long for many pros, although consumers could buy in to it big if it were marketed right.


Its an innovative company, with great ideas but I hope they come out with more products!


IMO of course. We've got one of the cameras at RIT, and it doesn't get used a whole lot. Mainly because its not a system people are interested in using. The SD-9 cannot be selling that well, and I doubt they're selling enough to maintain the company. I hope they don't decide to market and survive on another lower resolution sensor. But if they bring that 1.5mp sensor I've heard about they'll probably try to put it in the class of point and shoots with 3-5mp, and its not going have the same quality. They likely will refer to it as 4.5mp though.

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