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Develop Sheet Film In Rotary Drum?

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I bought a dark room set up (used) that came with a rotary drum

processor for color printing (he was using the dichroic head, I am

using the condenser for b&w). I would like to shoot some 4x5, and

was wondering whether I can develop, fix and wash the film in the

rotary drums (i.e., the drums sold for developing color paper). This

would let me process the sheet film more like roll film (using a

daylight developing tank).


Am I off the mark? Is anyone doing this? Seems easier than tray






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Drums designed for paper processing will usually cause problems with sheet

film because the solutions cannot get to the back of the film to wash off the

antihalation layer. Try loading some 4x5 negatives into the drum and see if

the film is held away from the drum or if it sticks tight to it.

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I do this with one modification. I found that my negs were fully and very evenly

developed but not fully and evenly fixed. So now I pull them out of the tube at about

the half-way point for fixing and continue the fix in a tray (with the lights on). This

works so well that I just bought another Beseler tube (new old stock) on eBay for $11

including shipping. I would never go back to tray processing.

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