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what will be looked back on as classics of our era? (say 1970 on)


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I think all versions of the Fuji GW/GSW690, 680 and 670 series MF rangefinders will be sought after classics - as high quality folders like the Bessa II are now. Of course, if they stop making 120 film, then...


And my manual focus Nikkor lenses are feeling more and more 'classic' (i.e. "wow - they're so well made!") every time I use them.

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<i>"...if they stop making 120 film, then..."</i><p>


No worries, I'm betting that's the very last film format still standing after 35mm and LF are gone.<p>


Before long digital will have equalled 35mm not only in image performance but in overall cost-efficiency as well. Even then 35mm will have a ways to go before it dies.<p>


Finally, at least one third-party company will have solved the demon: how to adapt a digital back to 35mm cameras. It'll replace the pressure plate area. It won't compete in terms of image performance with dedicated digicams but it'll enable us to keep using our Canonets long after 35mm film is gone - assuming the digital back doesn't conk out after the maker goes bankrupt from the effort.<p>


LF photographers fall into two camps: artistes and commercial pros. At the very least the boutique manufacturers like Efke, Foma, etc., will cater to the artistes for as long as possible. Pros will have long since moved to digital backs.<p>


That'll leave a large working population of MF shooters, pros and serious amateurs. If the camera makers didn't believe that they wouldn't have invested so heavily in the 645 format.<p>


Just my penny prophecy.

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My list:


35mm SLRs:

Olympus OM-1, OM-4,

Nikon F, F2, F3, FE2,

Minolta SRT-101,102 (contrary to a prior post, they mostly work FINE),

Minolta XE-7, XD-11,

Canon F-1n, A-1, T-90,

Pentax Spotmatic F, MX, LX,


35mm Rangefinders:

Minolta CLE,

Canonet QL17 GIII,

Konica Auto S2, Hexar,

Yashica Electro 35 GS

Leica M6, NOT the M7 or MP,

Voigtlander Bessa-R2, Bessa-T,

Olympus 35RC, 35SP, 35RD, XA



Mamiya RB67, Mamiya 6, Mamiya 7, Mamiya C330,

Bronica GS-1,

Hasselblad 500CM,

Pentax 6x7

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"Finally, at least one third-party company will have solved the demon: how to adapt a digital back to 35mm cameras"


What *was* that company called that were always going to bring out a digital adaptor 'real soon, now'? They had my attention because their website was illustrated with a Eos 5 and I have... You guessed it :-)

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I'm counting on Quantaray or Jessop's to market the first digital back for 35mm SLRs. ;> The sensors will turn out to have been cannibalized from 5-year-old unsold home security systems with a whopping 640x480 rez jpeg capability. But, hey, I'll be able to make digital captures using a Nikon F with PC-Nikkor. Woo-wee.
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Looks like I missed the boat on the Nikon 35ti! I saw a few of the ebay ones going for over $500, after reading about them on this post. Damn it, I can buy a 35mm f/1.4 lens and stick it on a Nikon EM or FG and get better quality than this! Oh well, none of this makes any sense. We may as well join the camera fondlers in the Leica site.
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<<Canonets, especially the GIII QL17 - already widely recognized as a classic due to availability, performance and, generally, reliability.>>


I wish someone would tell my QL17 GIII that...it has more shutter lag than a digital point and shoot! :)


(One of these days I'll try to get it repaired. I do love it so...)

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