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Spots on negatives

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Hello, I am having problems when developing my photos. Everytime

spots keep occuring on number 24 shot of my roll of film. They are

clear like spots looking on the negative like little pin drops and

when printed they show up as dark spots. I have been trying to tap

the canister but what is this and I am glad it hasnt appeared on the

rest of the roll but i loose my last shot each time which is always

a good shot. I have read some other information on questions of

spots and am wondering if it is my stop bath? And is there anyway I

can fix it? I have developed 8 rolls and the same thing has occured

on number 24 of each roll.Thanks


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When you hang film to dry, at what end is frame 24? At the bottom? If so, try reversing with next roll. Also, there's usually a longer leader beyond frame one, so if drops are acumulating during drying, there's a better chance they will occur beyond the pictures, with frame one at the bottom.
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Thanks for the info, i notice the spots before the drying process since it has been happening and look immediately for it when taking it out of the photo flo. Once before it has krept up to neg 23 but it was easy to fix with a crop. Until I find out the reason I will will have to take the film in to a shop but I think its chemical of some sort but have no idea at which processing during developement of the negative it splashes or gets onto the neg. I think I will try another roll and since they are fine to exposure after fixer look and see if they are on then and that will at least help me zoom in on when it occurs. I just wish there was a process to take it away. Can these spots occur if the chemicals werent properly mixed up? Like to dense? Should I mix up all new chemicals? I also wonder if it would be helpful to pour water inbetween each session of chemicals. I remember in college our teacher did that with us and I stopped doing that because I was following the books which dont involve 1min of rinse with water.


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These sound like air-bubbles on the film but I can't think why they only occur on frame 24. I suggest a pre-soak in water at 20 C for 2 minutes. Agitate the tank and tap it sharply on the bench to dislodge any air-bubbles. After 2 minutes pour out the water and pour in the dev.
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