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My Minox Binocs are great, but who makes them?


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I own several pair of binoculars, but the only pairs newer than 10

years are my Minox BD10x52 BR and 10x25s. I think that the image

quality from the '52s is excellent: bright, corrected, detailed.


I was told by my dealer, now a former Minox dealer, that the

binoculars are made in Japan. Sure enough, there is only a Minox

GmbH serial # plate on the left barrell - not a "made in.." or

country label anywhere to be found, including the packaging. Where

are they made? And by whom?




R Fred

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Curiosity in a world economy is interesting. Considering that many of today's fine optics are assembled and outsourced by the contracting manufacturers, how much does this knowledge affect your decision to purchase? My point is that Celestron makes binocs and labels them for several other prominent companies. Celestron being in California, but does it assemble all of the models there? Nope! Vixen made my Celestron telescope mount and maybe even the tube, but now that I know this, does it affect my view of Mars? Celestron still needs to honor the warranty etc. My Minox 35s have multiple components made in places other than Germany, but this fact has not deterred my acquisition or usage. Fujinon is under contract from Hasselblad; Cosina is under contract from Olympus and Nikon; etc. etc. If the stuff works and pleases you, that IS the key fact. Depending on the models, VW uses labor in Brazil, Mexico etc. U.S. makers use Canada & Mexico, and whyizzit that my new Whirlpool refrigerator was made in Canada, but cheaper than the exact same model made in the U.S.? Ahhh. . . but my beer stays cold! That is most important!
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