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Size of images


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I've noticed that many users upload files as large as 1280 or 1600

pixels wide, and they also have the nerve to submit them for



Personally I don't mind how they use their portfolios, but I do

believe the critique request browser feature gets ruined by

displaying huge pictures that practically noone can view in a normal

computer monitor.


Is it reasonable/possible to impose a size limit for images submitted

for critique? There is no value in asking for critique when most

user's can't even get a glance of the image in its totality.


I'm suggesting a limit, only regarding the critique. If someone wants

to use their subscriber space to store hi-res scans that's their

business, as long as they don't clutter the critique browser.

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Actually it's not OK. We do have limits on file size, it's just that we don't really enforce them by any automatic means. If the gallery moderators find huge images I presume they will remove them, though that's probably very much a hit and miss proposition.


One real problem is that any gallery and critique help files and guidelines are very hard to find. If they are there they can only be reached by some "secret" path of URLs or stumbled on by accident. I just looked and I couldn't find them, but I know there are some around somewhere! There's no hint of them on the main gallery page or the page used to submit critique requests, so it's hard to balme users for not following guidelines they probably haven't seen...


We really do need hard limits on uploads, whereby files obver a certain size simple won't upload. However there is one problem which is that the software (ImageMagick I presume) can't read the headers on some JPEG files (Picture Publisher 8.0 files for example), so it can't tell how big they are (in terms of pixles). However these are the exception rather than the rule and anything that even just worked most of the time would be useful. The actual size of files (in bytes) should be available for all files.


I'm not sure if reporting very large files to the abuse moderator is appropriate and I'll leave it up to him to comment on that.

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<pre>($width, $height, $size, $format) = $imageMagick->Ping($uploadedFile);

if ( (defined($width) && defined($height)) &&

( ($width > 800) || ($height >800))

) {




} else {







if the image size is identifiable and outside of bounds, then reject the image. If it's unidentifiable or within bounds, then insert the image.

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what I do based on what I had read a while back is the following


width max 800, I sometimes use 799.

height max 535, I use this size so that with all the browser wastage of address bar, etc., and assuming someone has set their browser to 1024 by 768, they will be able to see the whole image in one screenful and not have to scroll.


file size - I try to stay under 100k, the odd time images that I save at around 90k will once in awhile end up over 100k when uploaded to photo.net, some do, most don't, I have no idea why.


I have from time to time commented as gently but firmly as possible with a suggestion that someone reload their image if it is some digital ginormous huge thing, pointing out that most people wont be able to see it without scrolling and likely wont bother to try.

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I agree with Nikos on this one. I have been guilty in the past myself so I will not throw the first stone. I think guidelines should be easily available and comtributors should be adult enough to follow them. When I see a huge image unfoldind in front of me I simply stop the proscess and go on to the next image. We all have bitched at some point in time about the slowness of the browser and I think this is something that can help control the problem.


I, for one, will follow my own advice in the future. My wife can tell you that I rarely follow my own advice, but I promise.



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At the moment, the maximum image size is 800 pixels in the longer dimension, with a file size not to exceed 100,000 Bytes. Brian has mentioned a change to this to call for uploaded photos to have no more than 600,000 PIXELS. Saving this size of photo as a jpg of moderate quality should still be under 100,000 Bytes in general.


When I find grossly oversized uploads I generally advise the poster of these size limits and request a smaller upload. Occasionally I delete files which are way too large.

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